Tuesday, April 22, 2008

4/22/08 West St. Paul and Preparing For San Antonio

Just a quick check in here.....

Spent Sunday night at the "West St. Paul Kickoff Dinner" with Commodore Mary, Captain Rob, Queen Charissa and Princesses Jenna and Tzvet. Got to know the candidates for West St. Paul and meet several people from that community. More coming from there as Rob and Tzvet are in their parade on May 17th and Jenna and I will be at coronation on the 18th!

Leaving in the morning for "Fiesta" in San Antonio, Texas with Charissa! This is supposed to be a blast so I'll be updating you on that hopefully a couple of times while I'm down there...IF I get time! Looks like they have us pretty busy with a couple of parades, the coronation, tours of the Alamo and much more.

That's it for now....Viva Fiesta and check back later this week.

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Aquatennial Captain

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