Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 5th-10th

Hi all,

Another quick update on Aquatennial life as we head into "crazy busy season"....

The Sponsors, the Mayor, the Downtown Council
and our Aquatennial Group at the IDS Crystal Court

Last Thursday we were in the IDS Crystal Court for our first media appearance as we announced the events and event sponsors for this year's Minneapolis Aquatennial. Commodore Mary, Captain Rob and I introduced (OK, Mary introduced but Rob and I were with and at least we looked good!) some of the key sponsors and some of this year's special events. We were also joined by Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak and Minneapolis Downtown Council President and CEO Sam Grabarski. The Downtown Council's Vice President of Events and Marketing, Leah Wong helped set it all up and get us where we needed to be. A couple of TV stations, the Star Tribune and, of course, WCCO Radio were all there to cover the event.

Me, Commodore Mary and Captain Rob
while Mary entertains the masses

This year, we are celebrating the 150th Birthday for the city of Minneapolis plus the state's 150th as well so it should be a lot of fun. We also finally heard what bands are playing the Block Party which is always a blast....Blues Traveler is headlining with the Fabulous Thunderbirds and local musician Tim Mahoney! Of course there's also the Aquatennial Fireworks and the Beach Bash and Milk Carton Boat Races at Lake Calhoun just to name a couple.

(For a complete list of events...and it's a long one!.....check out the Aquatennial website here)

Our Explosion of Confetti...
Yes, it scared Rob

Following that, we were supposed to be off to Spring Lake Park High School (my Dad's Alma Mater!) to get ready for the Tower Days Parade. However, Mother Nature had something else in mind....like raining all afternoon and evening. When I left downtown, I didn't realize I'd be taking a shower in the middle of 2nd avenue. Our first canceled parade. I guess it happens! Princess Jenna called me from Gibbon and told me they had nickel size hail and 60 MPH winds. Not a good night to wear a gown. I'm guessing. I've never tried.

This week, I'm off to Princeton (home of my Sister!) on Thursday with Princess Jenna for the Rum River Festival Parade....as long as the weather cooperates. Looks awful right now. Rob, Queen Charissa, Princess Tzvet and I head to Cambridge for a coronation on Friday.

Saturday we are in St. Louis Park for the "Parktacular" parade....my current hometown so I'm looking forward to that. We'll all be in St. Louis Park so come see us Saturday!

Finally, Sunday Tzvet and I are in Fridley for a Coronation and in Paynsville on Monday night. Tuesday we sleep. Told you we're in crazy busy season!

Couple other events our Ambassador group is doing this week:

Fridley 49er Days on Thursday
Cottage Grove Strawberry Fest on Thursday and Saturday
St. Francis Pioneer Days Saturday
Buffalo Days Saturday and Sunday
JC Water Carnival in Hutchinson on Sunday
Albertville Friendly City Days on Sunday

As you can see, if you haven't run across us yet, you will soon!

See you on the road!

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Aquatennial Captain

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