Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Captain's Blog 9/16

Greetings all....It's kind of been slow so I thought I'd check in with a little bit of an aside. Just a what we've been up to sort of thing!

This past weekend was Captain Rob's 42nd birthday. So, why not have a party, right?

Now, if you are a loyal reader (and who among you are not?), you probably know Rob and I are very good friends. We knew each other long before Aquatennial and it's through that friendship that Commodore Mary and I asked him to join our nutty family this year.

He may have turned 42 last Friday, but I always joke with him that he's the oldest 15 year old I know. And I mean that. Not in a bad way, mind you. Some of us just need to stay boys. So, 42 is just a mythical number. Years on the planet, not 42 in any way other than that. Well, mostly. You know what I mean.

So, the festivities began around 6pm on Friday night at the Mauzy condo in Minnetonka. They have the best deck in condo history and it was a beautiful night....why not use it?

There were many people on the guest list but I'll just fill you in on the Aquatennial people. Besides Rob and me, we had Commodore Mary, Aqua Board members Skip Nelson and Anne Sumangil who have both become great friends of ours. We also were joined by one of our current Princesses, Jaclyn, and our two former Princesses Jenna and Tzvet. It was great to get everyone together again.

Now, during Aquatennial week, Commodore Mary got Rob and I gifts. She gave us matching T-Shirts that read "Hey Princess.....Bring Me A Beer!". Ummmmm....very fitting. I'll leave it at that. (And NO, we've never asked them to bring us's a joke! Actually, we take care of them and are happy to do it!)

The Gift Giving During Aquatennial

And Wearing them at the party....I guess the message worked!

Rob and I thought we should wear the shirts for the party. I agreed. And yes, we looked like a couple all night. We had to wear matching polos during Aquatennial week a couple of times and people still make fun of us. Apparantly when a couple of fellas wear matching shirts, you look a do I say this? Not straight.

Good tip. Take that one with you.

Boys in matching shirts....always a bad thing!

We were joined by a lot of Rob and Amy's family, my friends and other people who are not totally familiar with Aquatennial. This was not a good way to break them in.

See, when you bring us (and I can't believe I'm saying this) Festival people together (I can't believe I'm Festival People), all we talk about is the festival. So, it's Aquatennial all the time. "How was Oak Grove", "I ran into Miss Lakeville the other day", "Anoka has 40 candidates", and on, and on, and on. Getting the picture?

This can be ugly. At one point, a good friend of mine basically ran screaming from the party because he couldn't take it any more. It's more than a little overwhelming. I don't know how Amy does it. We're just flat out annoying after a while.

"I know...seriously. If Rob and LP talk anymore
Aquatennial I'm going to scream! But I love their shirts!"

So, the party went well into the night (and the poor Mauzy's woke up to a living room full of people....thanks for accomodating us!) and fun was had by all. Well, except maybe for Jenna who seemed to be a target of teasing by a couple of my friends. Sorry Princess!

Now, onto what's coming up because we still have a few very exciting events in front of us.

We are about one week away from Oktoberfest in LaCrosse. We head down there on Friday, September 26th and stay through Sunday. Just received the itinerary and it looks like we are going to have a ton of fun. If you'll be in the area, please come see us at the parade. If you dare. I've heard it's quite the scene!

We also are getting ready for Anoka Halloween already. We are about one month away from the "Orange Tie Ball" which is a fundraiser for Anoka that Rob, Tara, Jaclyn and I will be attending. I have no idea where I find an orange tie.

The week after that will be the Anoka Halloween parade and coronation....talked to their coordinator Sharolyn the other night and they have 40 (40!!!!!) candidates this year in Anoka. Good luck judges!

One more that we've just added that is very exciting is the U of M Homecoming Parade on November 1st. That should be a lot of fun. And hopefully we can beat Northwestern!

We are also looking forward to the Cambridge and Hollidazzle parades in December plus a few other scattered appearances coming in. Plus, as I've said, we will end the year at the Tournament of Roses in Pasadena.

That's all for to you after LaCrosse (if I have any brain cells left)!

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Captain
Minneapolis Aquatennial

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