Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Captain's Log 8/16-8/19

Greetings again Aquatennial-ites! One more busy weekend in the books and here's what went down.

This past Saturday, Princess Emily and I were off to the east side, a rare trip towards St. Paul for me. We were in the St. Paul Park Heritage Days Parade, the first time (according to the folks in St. Paul Park) that Aquatennial had ever been in their parade!

The Royalty gathers in St. Paul Park

We arrived in downtown St. Paul Park around 9am. St. Paul Park is on the South East side of St. Paul towards the Cottage Grove/Inver Grove Heights area. You know that big oil refinery that's on hwy 10. by the Mississippi River as you head towards Red Wing? That's the place. Great golf course down there...Mississippi Dunes. Quick plug. Oh yeah...I don't get paid for this. Nevermind.

We met one of the coordinators, Jim, and he drove us over to Heritage Park where there was a Queen's Tea. By Queen's Tea, I mean donuts and orange juice. Emily was afraid they'd have tea. She doesn't like tea. It was too hot for tea anyway! OJ is just fine. Mmmmmm....donuts.

Yeah...this is what I'm starting to look like. D'oh!

After the tea (so to speak), we had some time to take photos. One thing I LOVE about taking photos at these (yes, I'm in full sarcasm mode), is facing the sun for about 20 minutes and trying to keep your eyes open. Oh, and I have hayfever this time of year. It's like torture trying to keep your eyes open! Our life is so glamorous.

It's so difficult, Emily can't even look anymore!

For the parade, we were lined up 9th (yeah, sometimes it's good to be Aquatennial...we always get the good parade spot and don't think we don't know that!) and right next to the Woodbury float. Kind of the first time we've hung out with them and they were very nice. Thanks for the water by the way!

Emily Checks out the Woodbury Float

Parade was great...wound through a neighborhood before running through the "downtown" area. By downtown, I mean bars. They have a good time in St. Paul Park!

They also do something unique....mud volleyball! Yes, mud. They dig out a court, the fireman fill it with water, and they play volleyball in it. Looked like fun. It also looked like a long shower. And beer. Good times!

We wrapped up the day with a quick lunch at the legion...and for the first time ALL YEAR, I spilled on myself. Ketchup and mustard. I can't believe it took this long. Stains came out so you can all stop worrying. Thank goodness it was at the end of the day. My "Lake Whites" don't look that good with a red and yellow blotch in the middle of the shirt. Well, usually.

Sunday was a day long trip to Montrose, Minnesota. Have you seen the movie "Drop Dead Gorgeous with Kirsten Dunst, Denise Richards and Kirsty Alley? It's about a pageant in a made up Minnesota town called Mount Rose. We (by we, I mean a couple of knuckleheads I know) have always thought it's based off of the real town of Montrose. Sounds right to me!

As a side note, I've always thought "Drop Dead Gorgeous" was hilarious. This past year makes it one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. If you've missed it, check it out. Obviously it's over the top but some of it really hits home!

Princess Emily and I met in the morning and were off to the Community Center for a brunch. We were seated at the head table with the Montrose Royalty which is always a great honor for us but I can't help but feel weird. I'm in a place I've really never been to, meeting a lot of people for the first time, and they sit us right at the head table so everyone can watch us eat. It is absolutely a sign of respect for Aquatennial and we're happy to carry on with that but I'm just saying, I don't think of myself as that important. So it feels weird.

The good news is, best brunch so far. What's better than cheesy potatoes? I mean something. I'll wait. Anything? Didn't think so. (Do Captain Rob and I talk too much about food? I think we do. That's why I am starting to look like Homer. D'oh! By the way, this will be my pop-culture reference entry I guess.)

Now, a quick story about the parade. We were driven by a volunteer and her daughter in a convertible....nothing unusual yet. However, when we arrived at lineup and I was putting our signs on the car, she asked if she could put a sign on the car also. It was a magnetic photo of a man named Jim Kelly. It read, "Jim Kelly- In Loving Memory".

The tribute to Jim Kelly

Turns out the car we were in was Jim's and he had passed away this year. Jim Kelly had been the driver for the Aquatennial Ambassadors for years, according to our driver. He was a great volunteer in town and was someone they greatly missed. It was our honor to be in his car and for it to be a tribute to someone who had done so much for the community.

I also want to say something about the visiting royalty. At each of these festivals, we hear the outgoing royalty say something at coronation about the "Sparkle Section" and how they're going to "Miss those girls!", etc.

The "Sparkle Section"...oh, and
some dude in the middle who doesn't sparkle

Every one of these festivals invites numerous other community festivals to they're parade, coronation, dinner...whatever they're doing. Most of the time, a few show up, sometimes a TON of them show up. In Montrose, a TON of them showed up.

Here's where I finally say hi to my hometown of Big Lake as I finally got to meet the girls from Spud Fest (yes, Spud Fest....we like potatoes). We weren't at Spud Fest which is in June....not sure if we don't get invited or why that is but either way, it was nice to see them. They have Mashed Potato Wrestling at Spud Fest. Awesome.

Cokato Royalty in black, Big Lake in yellow
and Emily and I in front....that's a big potato

Anoka had a large presence in Montrose as well. In addition to their Royal Ambassadors Alyssa, Janelle and Taryn (who we love...they're really fun!), the three judges were from Anoka. Sharolyn Carlson, who is the Anoka Royalty Coordinator, and her sister were there along with the former Anoka Royal Ambassador and 2007 Aquatennial Princess, Nichelle Hackert (notice I introduced her properly....yeah, I'm that good. I'm a total dork and I realize that so save your breath).

Me, Alyssa, Taryn, Janelle and Emily...Hi Anoka!

Coronation went really was a fun program with great girls. They both (they only crowned two this year) were very emotional when they were crowned and it's nice to see that it means so much to them.

Princess Emily and Me with New Montrose Royalty

That's it for now....we have a slow down finally as we head into the last 2 weeks of August and school is starting up soon. There's still a scattered few events to tell you about and a couple of really big festivals for us. Here's what's coming up!

Saturday, August 23rd- We are at the State Fair Parade (State Fair starts Thursday!!!!!!!What happened to summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and for the first time since Aquatennial, we will all appear as a group in a parade. Love to see you on Saturday afternoon in your pickle hats and "I Love Don Shelby" T-shirts while eating a Pronto Pup and Fudge Puppy at the Fair! Yes, you people look like that. Sorry. Mmmmmmm.....Pronto Pups. I have to stop now.

Why would you do this on purpose?
I think this may be Rob. I'm not sure but it could be.

Sunday, August 24th and Monday, August 25th- Woodbury Days....Commodore Mary and Queen of the Lakes Tara will be there both days in the town Mary calls home!

Saturday, August 30th- That is Dassel Red Rooster Days where Princess Emily and Captain Rob will be (we still may add a couple of us to that one...TBD)

Saturday, September 6th- A big day for us....all six Ambassadors will be in Gibbon for their coronation. Gibbon, of course, being the home of former Aquatennial Princess and the one and only Jenna Forstner We are thrilled to be going there to see her and everyone else who have become our friends over the last year.

Sunday, September 7th- the Defeat of Jesse James Days Parade in Northfield. Commodore Mary, Queen Tara and the Senior Ambassadors will be there.

Also, we have Oktoberfest in LaCrosse the end of September and Anoka Halloween coming up in October (our other former Aquatennial Princess Tzvetelina Pramatarov's hometown and we can't wait to see her either!). We are all really looking forward to those. Cambridge's Snowflake Parade and the Hollidazzle follow that.

And, finally, we are getting our travel plans in place for the end of the year as we will celebrate the coming of 2009 in Pasadena and the Tournament of Roses! I'm really fired up for this because I MAY be the world's biggest college football fan (the Rose Bowl!!!!!! Hello!!!!!!!!!!) plus it never hurts to go to sunny California in December/January. Just sayin.

Wow....I'm talking about our last few events. Not sure I'm ready to hang up the Captain's hat. Never thought I'd say that. What a trip.

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