Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Captain's Blog 7/30-8/6

Greetings Aquatennial-ites...does that work? I think it does! We've emerged from Aquatennial week and started to wrap up our summer schedule with the last handful of events. Here's what went down.

For our three new crowns, it was their first week as Aquatennial royalty. We did some quick training on what to expect and what is expected and we hit the ground running. Commodore Mary and Captain Rob took Tara (Queen of the Lakes) Litwinchuck and Jaclyn (Aqua Princess) Auger to Red Wing while I was off to the Sibley County Fair with Emily (Aqua Princess) McConkey.

The Sibley County Fair crowns a Miss Sibley County and two Princesses...and in case you're wondering, Sibley County is just to the southwest of the Twin Cities. Contains the fine towns of Arlington (where the fair is), Gaylord, Winthrop, Gibbon, Fairfax, etc. Mostly farm country and also home to some of the finest people I've met in my travels so far. Sibley County is starting to feel like a second home, as much time as I've spent there and with it's residents (not the least of which, now former Aqua Princess Jenna Forstner).

It was a warm night....too warm for a suit but I don't make the rules. I just sweat through them. Gross.

Anyway, Emily and I met in Norwood, about a 15 minute drive from Arlington. Emily is from Cokato where she lives with her parents (when not is school obviously). One thing we always try to do is find a convenient place to meet in the middle when heading out to these appearances.

Part of our job as Captains (and Commodore) is to pick up a lot of the slack for them and this is certainly helpful. Especially with gas prices. Although how sad is it when you look at what it costs right now (about $3.70 a gallon) and you actually say, "eeehhhhh....that's not so bad." I don't know if sad is the word. How about SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!!!!! Ok, my weekly complaining about gas is out of my system. Thanks for your cooperation. I feel better.

We arrived at the fair and met up with former Princess Jenna and her Mom who were coming to see the coronation (and I think to see Emily and me...she misses us. I know. You can admit's ok. She's going to kill me). First booth. Nothing beats a county fair burger. I don't know how they do it but for some reason, they're just better than the average burger. Mmmmmm....burgers. Sorry, I'm done.

A Captain at a County Fair...ummm, a little overdressed for the occasion?

We then headed over to the open-sided building (was it a barn? I'm not sure. Kind of. This was a county fair) for coronation. This was the shortest coronation I've been to. And that's ok...not a bad thing. It was 90 degrees after all.

Basically, it went like this.....Introduce current royalty, introduce the candidates, introduce Emily and me, we speak briefly, they crown the new royalty. 20 minutes. Maybe. Emily did a great job at her first event. She was nervous beforehand and that's understandable. I still get butterflies every time we do these. When you start going to these representing Aquatennial, it just cranks up the pressure a little bit. Everyone is looking up to you and you certainly want to represent yourself very well. It means a lot so you want to do your best. That will make you nervous.

New Sibley County Royalty with Emily and Me

We then hung out a while afterwards and mingled with the new royalty, former royalty and anyone else that wanted to see us. And took pictures. It was fun. Like I said, great people down there. Can't wait to go back.

Emily, a happy Captain and a former Princess.
I guess it was aqua blue day and I missed the memo.

Last Saturday, it was time for the Queen of the Lakes and I to make our first appearance. We were in Lonsdale for a Queen's Dinner and Coronation. Now, I've never had so much trouble finding things in a smaller size town in my life. Maybe it was me but I could not find anything. Tara must have thought I'm a total disaster. Maybe I am. Oh well.

Queen's Dinner was good...just a chance to meet a few people and fill up before the coronation. The first person we ran into was Nicole Salaba who was Lonsdale's representative at Aquatennial this year. Nicole was one of the few Aqua candidates that I never really spoke with during the week so it was nice to finally meet her face-to-face. Seemed like she had a good time during festival so that's great.

Coronation was at the elementary school...they did a few things differently than how I've seen them at most coronations (not a bad thing...just different). They did a "Legends of Lonsdale" skit which was good. Each candidate picked a historically significant person from the Lonsdale area talked about why they were important to Lonsdale (while dressed up...think Meet the Candidates at Aquatennial and you'll get the gist). That was really interesting.

The other thing they did was instead of doing one on-stage question, they did four. It took on much more conversational tone and made it easier to get to know the candidates. I haven't seen that done before. Not that I've been everywhere but you know what I mean.

Sunday, it was Emily and I again, this time of to beautiful Le Sueur which is on the Minnesota River about halfway between Belle Plaine and St. Peter off of 169. We had a parade and then coronation. Emily's parents also joined us for part of the day which was great. They're very nice and I'm sure it was very exciting to see what Emily has gotten herself into!

Le Sueur's festival is called "Giant Celebration" which is a reference to Green Giant (you know....ho, ho,ho.....Greeeeennnn Giant) of which Le Sueur was the home of. Besides the parade and coronation, they do fireworks, lots of live music and, of course, lots of food. Including a corn eating contest.

Now, despite being from Cokato (the Corn Carnival....of which you'll hear about next week), Emily is no fan of corn. At all. So, when it was time for the corn eating contest, we HAD to watch. I like corn but what I saw kind of grossed me out. You know how corn kind of goes all over the place when you eat it at a human speed? Now picture 20 people trying to eat as much as possible in two minutes and the shrapnel THAT produces. Not pretty. Especially if you don't like corn!

Let me also say that a tub (like a BIG tub) of corn is not appetizing. I'm sure it's fine but for some reason when a guy dumps a garbage can-like container of corn cobs onto a table and people start eating it, I'm out. Don't need that. But, how else do you get 150 corn cobs to a table? I have no answer for that I guess.

New Lonsdale Royalty with Emily and Me.

Coronation was great...the outgoing Miss Lonsdale, Abby Dawson, was one of the girls I got to know very well during Aquatennial so it was fun to see her again. They also had terrific candidates. The three they chose will have a terrific year. They are all going to do very well. Plus, I picked 2 out of 3. I rule (because this is ALL about Lindsey....egomaniac).

That's it for now...I'm getting ready here for the next few events. New Brighton parade on Thursday, Winsted parade and coronation on Saturday then the New Brighton coronation on Sunday. Plus, we have a big night next Monday and Tuesday as Emily returns home to Cokato for their parade and coronation. Mary, Tara and Emily are doing the parade then Emily, Jaclyn, Rob and I are doing the coronation of Tuesday. I'll have a full report (why do I feel like Dan Rather now?) next week.

Here's our event rundown for the next few days and see everyone soon!

Thursday, August 7th- New Brighton Stockyard Days Parade
Saturday, August 9th- St. Anthony Villagefest Parade and Street Dance
Eggstravaganza Parade and Miss Gaylord Coronation
Winsted Summer Festival Parade and Coronation
Sunday, August 10th- Shakopee Durby Days Coronation
Rockford River Days Parade and Coronation
New Brighton Stockyard Days Coronation
Monday, August 11th- Cokato Corn Carnival Parade
Tuesday, August 12th- Cokato Corn Carnival Coronation

Lots of stuff going on so come see us when you can....we're in the home stretch here. Can you believe the State Fair starts in just over two weeks? The first Viking game is this Friday and the Gophers start playing in just over three weeks. And allergy season kicks in pretty soon. I'll be the guy sneezing in the birthing barn. Plus, after the Sibley County Fair, I'm very good at entertaining the livestock. Cows love me.

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Captain
Minneapolis Aquatennial

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