Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Captain's Blog- Aquatennial Week Wrap Up

Hard to believe it's over...people keep asking me "what it was like". I have no idea how to answer that. You'd have to read the whole blog or have been there to really know. It's the weirdest, most hectic, funniest, saddest, craziest thing I've ever done. And worth every second of lost sleep, drop of sweat and near heart attack. And there's been a few.

Rob and I both took yesterday (Monday) off....mental health day I guess. We needed it.

You think they're happy and excited? Me either.

Let's back up for a second and go back to late on Friday night following coronation. I think that's where I left off. We had just crowned Tara, Jaclyn and Emily and we were heading back to the hotel.

Any questions? Anyone? Bueller?

Now, a couple (and I do mean a couple) of Aquatennial people know the new royalty as of Thursday. They have duties...getting clothes, getting nametags, car signs, etc. After the 50 candidates leave for coronation, a couple more people round up the new royalty's bags and clothes and whatever they have packed up in their room. They bring their stuff to their new room with the three of us and the visiting dignitaries. Without anyone knowing.

So, we hop into the cars following coronation (and after EVERYONE hangs around to say congratulations, take photos and all that good stuff...and I do mean EVERYONE!!!!) and head out for the hotel in Bloomington. We get there, take the girls up to their new room where a surprise awaits.

They enter the room to see all their "new" clothes, shoes, nametags, car signs and all the stuff they brought with them. All three stood at the foot of the bed covering their mouths in borderline shock. In case they hadn't had enough already!

Now who doesn't like getting new clothes?

It was time to quickly change before heading back downtown to meet with the 47 candidates who were waiting back at the hotel. We gave the always prepared Ann Sumangil a heads up when we were on our way up.

New Royalty on display!!!

The elevator door opened and there they all were, screaming and crying and mobbing our new royalty. Another unbelievable sight.

Why do girls insist on screaming and squealing?
Seriously...I need to know!

We then went into the hospitality suite that was set up for pizza and a chance for everyone to talk and ask questions and just plain hang out for a bit. Rob and I hung in the back with Ann and we finally had a chance to relax and reflect a bit on what had just happened. We were beat.

After that, back to the hotel for another visit with visiting dignitaries and a late-night snack (and a much needed beverage of choice). We were up until about 2:30-3:00am....well, most of us. If you read the last blog you'll know that I was up a bit later. But then again, I'm an idiot.


Saturday morning, we were off to Lake Calhoun again....we were up for a TV appearance on KARE 11 in support of the Tour De Vail which was a fundraiser for Vail Place. For the three newe crowns, it was a very exciting thing, obviously, to be on TV less than 12 hours after being crowned. Not that the other three (including me) are jaded....it's just been there, done that by Saturday. And I needed a nap. I guess I'll sleep in 2009.

I need sleep and sunblock....like, right now.

We then had a chance to sit down at the hotel with the three new crowns, the three outgoing crowns and the parents. It was a good chance for everyone to have a relaxing conversation with each other, ask a lot of questions and start getting everyone prepared as to what is expected of them. Basically, what happens next. Tara's father, by the way, asked about the blog. Apparently he's a reader. That's one. And yes, I'll keep doing it. Why stop now?

After the meeting, we were off to the Mall of America and Under Waterworld. Sharks, stingrays, barracuda...what better way to spend a Saturday? Oh yeah....lunch. I could eat. Then nap. Big time. Slept like I had been drugged. And drugged well. Not that I know what that's like. Nevermind.

Who doesn't appreciate a fresh car sign? Not anyone I know!

Saturday evening, we went to Rossi's, a downtown Minneapolis steakhouse/Jazz club that has always been a favorite hangout of the Aquatennial and a huge supporter of the festival. We had some dinner, did some mingling and continued to get to know each other. We were joined by our visiting dignitaries and of course, Charissa, Jenna and Tzvet. A great way to spend the evening before the fireworks.

The Target Fireworks show is an Aquatennial favorite and kind of the sign off for Aquatennial week. It's the third largest show in the country (no kidding) and a spectacular display. I've never seen so much light in the sky. Unbelievable.

Following fireworks, we headed back to the hotel and the hospitality room. We were there for a while. 3am or so. Our last night so why not live it up, right? Our brand new royalty didn't last that long...can't blame them. It was a whirlwind. They needed to crash.

Our outgoing three did stay though and that was nice. It was really fun to spend one last Aquatennial night with them. They've really all become our best friends. Tzvet's brother George also joined us and that was fun too. George helped drive us in some parades and it was good to have him there. I sat there on the couch right next to Jenna, Charissa and Tzvet and kept thinking how proud I was of how we carried ourselves over the last seven months. I've had the time of my life. It was a room full of really great people. I was honored to be a part of it.

The reason we do what we do...50 terrific
young women who want to make something of themselves.

Oh yeah...we also found out I'm the youngest Captain they've ever had. In case you couldn't tell by the blog. So, I have that going for me....which is nice. Of course next to the 18,19 and 20 year old candidates, I feel like Father Time. So let's just forget I brought it up.

I also was starting to wonder how I was functioning on like, NO sleep over the past 10 days. Well, sort of function. No guarantees on that one. We got up Sunday to go through the rest of August's schedule and the few other things after August that we have to do and I was dead. We also had one more appearance at the Midtown Global Market before parting ways.

Now, there's no rest for the weary. We are right back at it. Emily and I are off to Sibley County Wednesday night (can't wait to see you Jenna....yes, she's coming to see us. Woo-hoo) while the other four head to Red Wing. We all have events Saturday and Sunday and August will still keep us very busy. Don't forget to come see us out and about and I'll keep you up to date right here, same time, same place. Well, I'll try.

Here's the rundown for this week:

Wednesday, July 30th- Sibley County Fair Coronation
Miss Red Wing Dinner and Pageant

Saturday, August 2nd- Miss Lonsdale Dinner and Coronation
Pine Country Fair Parade

Sunday, August 3rd- Shakopee Derby Days Parade
Giant Celebration Parade and Coronation in LeSueur
Silver Lake Pola Czesky Days

Now...I have two dogs who don't recognize me right now. They barked at me when I got home yesterday. I'm not kidding. They hate me. I have some making up to do with Bruno and Ernie. And a pile of dry cleaning that would make you pass out if you saw it (or got close to it if you get the drift).

Signing off after the most unforgettable week I've maybe ever had....

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Captain (and a very proud one at that)
Minneapolis Aquatennial

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