Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Captain's Blog- Aquatennial Week Wrap Up

Hard to believe it's over...people keep asking me "what it was like". I have no idea how to answer that. You'd have to read the whole blog or have been there to really know. It's the weirdest, most hectic, funniest, saddest, craziest thing I've ever done. And worth every second of lost sleep, drop of sweat and near heart attack. And there's been a few.

Rob and I both took yesterday (Monday) off....mental health day I guess. We needed it.

You think they're happy and excited? Me either.

Let's back up for a second and go back to late on Friday night following coronation. I think that's where I left off. We had just crowned Tara, Jaclyn and Emily and we were heading back to the hotel.

Any questions? Anyone? Bueller?

Now, a couple (and I do mean a couple) of Aquatennial people know the new royalty as of Thursday. They have duties...getting clothes, getting nametags, car signs, etc. After the 50 candidates leave for coronation, a couple more people round up the new royalty's bags and clothes and whatever they have packed up in their room. They bring their stuff to their new room with the three of us and the visiting dignitaries. Without anyone knowing.

So, we hop into the cars following coronation (and after EVERYONE hangs around to say congratulations, take photos and all that good stuff...and I do mean EVERYONE!!!!) and head out for the hotel in Bloomington. We get there, take the girls up to their new room where a surprise awaits.

They enter the room to see all their "new" clothes, shoes, nametags, car signs and all the stuff they brought with them. All three stood at the foot of the bed covering their mouths in borderline shock. In case they hadn't had enough already!

Now who doesn't like getting new clothes?

It was time to quickly change before heading back downtown to meet with the 47 candidates who were waiting back at the hotel. We gave the always prepared Ann Sumangil a heads up when we were on our way up.

New Royalty on display!!!

The elevator door opened and there they all were, screaming and crying and mobbing our new royalty. Another unbelievable sight.

Why do girls insist on screaming and squealing?
Seriously...I need to know!

We then went into the hospitality suite that was set up for pizza and a chance for everyone to talk and ask questions and just plain hang out for a bit. Rob and I hung in the back with Ann and we finally had a chance to relax and reflect a bit on what had just happened. We were beat.

After that, back to the hotel for another visit with visiting dignitaries and a late-night snack (and a much needed beverage of choice). We were up until about 2:30-3:00am....well, most of us. If you read the last blog you'll know that I was up a bit later. But then again, I'm an idiot.


Saturday morning, we were off to Lake Calhoun again....we were up for a TV appearance on KARE 11 in support of the Tour De Vail which was a fundraiser for Vail Place. For the three newe crowns, it was a very exciting thing, obviously, to be on TV less than 12 hours after being crowned. Not that the other three (including me) are jaded....it's just been there, done that by Saturday. And I needed a nap. I guess I'll sleep in 2009.

I need sleep and sunblock....like, right now.

We then had a chance to sit down at the hotel with the three new crowns, the three outgoing crowns and the parents. It was a good chance for everyone to have a relaxing conversation with each other, ask a lot of questions and start getting everyone prepared as to what is expected of them. Basically, what happens next. Tara's father, by the way, asked about the blog. Apparently he's a reader. That's one. And yes, I'll keep doing it. Why stop now?

After the meeting, we were off to the Mall of America and Under Waterworld. Sharks, stingrays, barracuda...what better way to spend a Saturday? Oh yeah....lunch. I could eat. Then nap. Big time. Slept like I had been drugged. And drugged well. Not that I know what that's like. Nevermind.

Who doesn't appreciate a fresh car sign? Not anyone I know!

Saturday evening, we went to Rossi's, a downtown Minneapolis steakhouse/Jazz club that has always been a favorite hangout of the Aquatennial and a huge supporter of the festival. We had some dinner, did some mingling and continued to get to know each other. We were joined by our visiting dignitaries and of course, Charissa, Jenna and Tzvet. A great way to spend the evening before the fireworks.

The Target Fireworks show is an Aquatennial favorite and kind of the sign off for Aquatennial week. It's the third largest show in the country (no kidding) and a spectacular display. I've never seen so much light in the sky. Unbelievable.

Following fireworks, we headed back to the hotel and the hospitality room. We were there for a while. 3am or so. Our last night so why not live it up, right? Our brand new royalty didn't last that long...can't blame them. It was a whirlwind. They needed to crash.

Our outgoing three did stay though and that was nice. It was really fun to spend one last Aquatennial night with them. They've really all become our best friends. Tzvet's brother George also joined us and that was fun too. George helped drive us in some parades and it was good to have him there. I sat there on the couch right next to Jenna, Charissa and Tzvet and kept thinking how proud I was of how we carried ourselves over the last seven months. I've had the time of my life. It was a room full of really great people. I was honored to be a part of it.

The reason we do what we do...50 terrific
young women who want to make something of themselves.

Oh yeah...we also found out I'm the youngest Captain they've ever had. In case you couldn't tell by the blog. So, I have that going for me....which is nice. Of course next to the 18,19 and 20 year old candidates, I feel like Father Time. So let's just forget I brought it up.

I also was starting to wonder how I was functioning on like, NO sleep over the past 10 days. Well, sort of function. No guarantees on that one. We got up Sunday to go through the rest of August's schedule and the few other things after August that we have to do and I was dead. We also had one more appearance at the Midtown Global Market before parting ways.

Now, there's no rest for the weary. We are right back at it. Emily and I are off to Sibley County Wednesday night (can't wait to see you Jenna....yes, she's coming to see us. Woo-hoo) while the other four head to Red Wing. We all have events Saturday and Sunday and August will still keep us very busy. Don't forget to come see us out and about and I'll keep you up to date right here, same time, same place. Well, I'll try.

Here's the rundown for this week:

Wednesday, July 30th- Sibley County Fair Coronation
Miss Red Wing Dinner and Pageant

Saturday, August 2nd- Miss Lonsdale Dinner and Coronation
Pine Country Fair Parade

Sunday, August 3rd- Shakopee Derby Days Parade
Giant Celebration Parade and Coronation in LeSueur
Silver Lake Pola Czesky Days

Now...I have two dogs who don't recognize me right now. They barked at me when I got home yesterday. I'm not kidding. They hate me. I have some making up to do with Bruno and Ernie. And a pile of dry cleaning that would make you pass out if you saw it (or got close to it if you get the drift).

Signing off after the most unforgettable week I've maybe ever had....

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Captain (and a very proud one at that)
Minneapolis Aquatennial

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Captain's Blog- Aquatennial Week (7/26)

It's now 3:30am....and I can't sleep. Awesome. At least we're not on TV until 9am.

Just a quick check in here. We have three new Aquatennial Ambassadors:

The former Miss Cokato, Aquatennial Princess Emily McConkey, the Former Miss Hutchinson, Aquatennial Princess Jaclyn Auger and the former Miss Maple Grove, Aquatennial Queen of the Lakes, Tara Litwinchuk. How was my pronunciation? Nevermind....Don't answer that.

Alone in the dark? No, just another coronation!

Tonight was incredible, emotional and bizarre all in one. We start by saying goodbye to our best friends, Charissa, Tzvet and Jenna. We end it by saying hello to three amazing and deserving your women, Emily, Jaclyn and Tara. Then we all gather in a hotel room and we have to figure out what's next. That's the bizarre.

First, back to coronation. We had an idea of who it might be. We spend a lot of time guessing and former lists. We thought we had a pretty good idea what was going to happen. Not.

Anyway, the three outgoing ambassadors give their speeches and receive scholarships. They then joined Rob, Mary and I backstage. This consisted of Jenna running at me and almost knocking me over with maybe the world's greatest hug. They were so excited. All three of them. I can't explain it.

The girls giving their farewell speeches...
Jenna, then Tzvet then Charissa

It's that moment when you know you've done something so special and you've absolutely hit a grand slam doing it. These were very special girls and still are. The adrenaline pumping through the place was amazing.

Jenna and I were the first to crown a Princess. Jenna was shaking on my arm. They pulled out the envelope and we looked at each other and I could see the pride and excitement in her eyes. I was so happy for her.

Jenna crowning Emily...Lindsey trying not to look awkward. Again.

When they said the name "Miss Cokato", Jenna practically pulled me out on stage. A personal favorite, I think. We walked out, Jenna put the crown on her and I handed her flowers. Then came the cutest thing I've seen in a while.

With 1200 people staring at us, this shaken, crying and uber-excited young girl looked up at me and said, "I don't know what to do next". Who does? I told her to walk to the right, circle around the stage and come back to me. She did that. Then I had her take my arm and we walked to the left side of the stage. I felt like I was holding her up. And I mean this in a good way. She was holding onto my arm like (please don't think of this as insulting because it's not meant to be) a puppy you just bring home for the first time and they don't want to leave you. It has nothing to do with you; you just happen to be the guy holding on to them. It was amazing to see the reactions and emotions flying around the place. Indescribable.

This was pretty cool...you could feel so much energy on stage

Rob and Tzvet were next and they crowned Miss Hutchinson, Jaclyn Auger (start remembering names because after this, I'm just abbreviating!!!!). Same thing....excitement, squeeling, mayhem, crowns and flowers...and that's just Rob.

Kidding, kidding......he never got the crown.

Who was more giddy...Jaclyn or Rob?

Anyway, after the Princesses, we welcomed our new Queen of the Lakes, Tara Litwinchuk. She's darling...we had heard a ton of great things about her during this week and it's great to see not only a Queen, but the two Princesses uniformly welcomed like they have been tonight. While we were greeting people after the coronation, almost everyone who came up said the same thing...you are SOOOOO lucky to have her. That goes for all three. We are so lucky. We've been lucky for a long time.

From one Queen of the Lakes to the next...

One more note...we arrived back at the hotel and we went to what is called the hospitality room. Basically a place where all us festival idiots can hang out and have a beverage. With all the visiting dignitaries in town, it's only fitting that we bring in the new girls and introduce them properly. And that's my job of course.

Brand new royalty...nice job ladies!!!!!!

So, we walk into the room and who's the first group of people I see? Charissa, Tzvet and Jenna. I had to look them in the eye and introduce three brand new women. It was tough. I felt like I was abandoning a child. No kidding. I saw them and my heart broke.

It's not goodbye...not even close.

Change is hard...necessary but hard. We will be awesome as a family. I know that. The biggest reason being that we care. Mary, Rob and I will always care. These people are too important.

Thank you for all the support given to Aquatennial and we are on to phase two!

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Aquatennial Captain

Friday, July 25, 2008

Captain's Blog- Aquatennial Week (7/25)

Happy Aquatennial Greetings! It's Friday afternoon about 2pm and we're just resting up for what should be a BIG night. Coronation is only a few hours away. Here's what's been happening:

Wednesday was a great day...our wonderful visiting dignitaries arrived (St. Paul Winter Carnival, LaCrosse Oktoberfest, South Dakota Snow Queen Festival, Festival Du Voyaguer from Winnipeg, San Antonio Fiesta) and it was great to see some of our old friends from our travels this year.

First order of business was dinner...and a huge dinner at that. Fogo De Chao in downtown Minneapolis was nice enough to welcome all of us and all the candidates for dinner and they serve up South American style steak and other roasted meats. All you can eat. I mean ALLLLLLL you can eat.

Bring us food!!! And lots of it!

You'll notice we're not lacking for food this week. I feel puffy. Thank God for stretchy dress pants.

Following the dinner we headed over to the Dunwoody parking lot for the parade lineup. Now, all year, we were either all together on the float (which the Senior Ambassadors use for the Torchlight Parade) or paired up in cars (Commodore and Queen, Captain with Princess). Torchlight, however, is different. Commodore Mary was in her own car, Queen Charissa in her own car, Rob and I each were in our own cars and the Princesses shared a car.

I wouldn't want the Winter Carnival Prime
Minister to kiss me either. No offense.

The reason I'm telling you that is because it felt weird. Not bad weird, just different. Plus, usually you work mostly one side of a parade. When you're by yourself, you have to do both sides. That's hard work. There were a LOT of people there and it was hard to get to everyone. Plus, I missed my Princesses. We have such a good time together during the parades and I wanted to be with them.

Some beautiful flowers for three beautiful girls!
Put your hat on Rob.

But it was great that Jenna and Tzvet rode together. They are great friends and I'm glad they shared such an amazing experience with each other. And Charissa had her family with her in her car and I know that was really important to her. And the three of them is what all of this is really about.

When we were pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards the parade route, we went by all the Aquatennial candidates who were lined up to send us off. I was directly in front of the Princesses car and when they went by, the candidates started singing them a song (the amazing Ann Sumangil has several songs they teach the girls every year including one for the Princesses).

The Amazing (and adorable) Ann Sumangil!

As they are serenading the Princesses and waving and saying goodbye to us, I looked behind me and Jenna and Tzvet are crying....it was their last parade and one of the most touching things I've ever seen. I immediately started crying too. I mean, I've known the guy driving my car for 10 minutes and he's wondering what's wrong with me. Well, I'm wondering the same thing!!!

I can't explain to you the emotions that run through us during this week and that was just a moment where it all came out of us and is one thing I will NEVER forget. We blew kisses to each other and it is the moment where it hit me that these girls are done tonight. It's hard to fathom. It is not the end...just the beginning. I keep telling myself that.

The candidates by the way....an amazing collection of fifty young women. While the sadness of saying goodbye to Charissa, Tzvet and Jenna is there, the excitement of crowning three more amazing young women is still there. There is no question in my mind that the Aquatennial Queen of the Lakes program is so successful because of the remarkable, talented, smart and engaging women who enter it. The past Ambassadors I've met along with the candidate that are running are just stunning. And I think you know how I feel about our current Ambassadors. Now I need another tissue. Great.

Our Friends from Sibley County

Thursday was a day of relaxation and reminiscence for us. We were treated to a day and night on Lake Minnetonka with a nice boat ride and then the Commodore's party at the home of Bill Popp. More on him in a second.

The boat ride around Minnetonka was awesome. I've never spent much time on that lake even though I live 15 minutes from there. You hear so much about it's beauty and it's all true. The homes are stunning and what a terrific day for our six family members just to sit in the sun and enjoy each other's company.

A Proud Captain with His Princess

Then it was off to the Popp's home on the lake, and amazing house with a stunning view. Bill and Terri Popp are not only great friends of the Aquatennial (Bill was the Commodore in 1995) but also of WCCO Radio and especially Commodore Mary. They are so generous to open their house to us for the Commodore's party. Bill is the ultimate volunteer and is always so grateful to other volunteers and the Commodore's party really is a celebration of that.

He had some wonderful words for all of our Ambassador family before Mary got up to speak. She thanked Rob and I for our service and talked about how much fun we have as a family. She then thanked Charissa's parents, Mark and Val, for everything they've done for us this year (they drive the float in many parades and it is a TON of work and we are sooooooo grateful to them).

Mary then presented Rob and I with gifts....T-shirts that said "Hey Princess, Get Me A Beer". Now, if you know Rob and I, you'll get that immediately. If not, I think you get the idea. It's been our pleasure to serve our girls needs all year long and now maybe it's time to do something for us, right? OK, I'm just kidding. They've done enough just by putting up with us frankly.

Ummmm...Princess, about that beer.....

Then it was my turn....after telling the crowd how Mary roped me into this, I mentioned that what I've done over the past seven months is the best thing I've ever done. It means so much to so many people and helps create a community that we can all be very proud of. I thanked the people responsible for giving me that opportunity.

I know...no crying in Aquatennial. Whatever.

Then, I got the chance to introduce my family for the last time in front of that special group of people. It made us all cry again. We really have become a family and I think our friendships just stir up very special emotions. There were so many former Ambassadors there that it really hit home how far we had come and what an honor it has been to serve in our respective roles.

Our Family and the Aquatennial Candidates

We then headed back to the hotel where the visiting dignitaries and Aquatennial exchange gifts. It is a tradition among those traveling festivals and is always very special. It also is a lot of fun. These are just very fine people who get involved in these and are people who are always quick to laugh and joke and basically just have a great time. They are all terrific.

Today, we had a coronation rehearsal in the morning before we crowned our next Senior Ambassador group. I'll get to them next time but for now, we need to say goodbye to our outgoing seniors.

Senior Commodore Doug Anderson, Senior Queen Ann Hair, Senior Vice-Commodore Patrick Bohmer and Senior Princess Judy Holmquist....all did a great job and are also a large part of our family. They are also amazing volunteers and should be thanked for all their hard work.

Well, time to get ready for coronation. I have been down the emotion road too many times now so let me just say one more thing....we are all very excited to meet the new Queen of the Lakes and Princesses but for one last time, thank you Charissa, Jenna and Tzvet. You all three are amazing young women who have been spectacular this year. I feel honored to have met you, blessed to call you friends and I'm so happy for all of you. You should be extremely proud of your accomplishments.

The only sight prettier than Lake Minnetonka

We will be seeing each other a lot, I know. Jenna and I have already talked about what's next and what we can get involved with to continue our relationship with Aquatennial. I'm sure everyone else will too. The six of us will be lifelong friends and will forever be the 2008 Aquatennial Ambassador family. I'm so honored.

I Love You All

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Aquatennial Captain
(Can't wait to tell you who are next Queen and Princesses are....till next time!)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Captain's Blog 7/22 (Plus Guest Blog)

I have just a minute here so a quick check-in...

Yesterday, we ate more food than you could imagine. We were like a traveling pack of 'hungry, hungry hippos'. I was the blue one.

We also visited the Senior Ambassador Ballroom Dance which was really fun. When we went up on stage I was introduced as "Queen of the Lakes, Lindsey Peterson!" That was first. I told everyone that I want to wear the crown then. They wouldn't let me. Oh well....guess I'll just have to live with Captain.

We then went to the Taste of the Twin Cities which was samples of food from some of the best restaurants in town. Mmmmmm.....oysters. And steak. And LOTS of dessert. I think we are all on about a 10,000 calorie per day diet right now. I hope I fit into the suit for coronation Friday.

After that, we met up with the candidates at Buca. We had just missed their spaghetti eating contest (our lovely Princess Jenna is the defending champ). Anna Haugo of Litchfield won this year's with a time of 34 seconds. Nice job!

After we arrived, it was time for our group contest. Mary, Rob, Jenna, Tzvet, Charissa and me all were placed in front of plates of spaghetti (a little hot by the way!) it was face first into the plate.

Jenna and Charissa tied....what are the chances? I think I finished third....Rob, Mary and Tzvet barely touched theirs. I gave up before I could finish. I thought I was going to explode by then. Of course there's always room for Tiramisu (did I even come close to spelling that right?).

After we rolled ourselves out of Buca!

After that, our drivers rolled us back to the hotel (I mean rolled us...you could have made my belly into a globe by then). Quick night's sleep and we're back at it today for the "Meet the Candidates" at City Center downtown and the always exciting Centerpoint Energy Torchlight Parade tonight.

Again, I have to find time to add more photos but in the meantime, here we are wondering why we ate that last Cannoli.

So, full....shirt, straining.....can't breath.
Ahhh....Aquatennial week!

Now, a special treat....Captain Rob checks in with a guest blog. Enjoy!

Aquatennial Captain LP

Good morning, It is 9 am Tuesday morning and as I sit here, at the Grand Lodge Raddison in Bloomington, I am reflecting back on what has been the most amazing 7 months of my life. Back in January, when Mary and Lindsey asked me to do this, I never dreamed that this experience would affect me as it has. Like Lindsey said earlier, sitting in the St Paul Hotel waiting for the Queen and Princesses, giggling like a couple of schoolgirls, and wondering if they were going to like us, and if we were going to like them, to fast forward 7 months and understand that these young women are about to embark on the next stage of their lives, is just an absolutely incredible feeling. As most of you know neither Lindsey or Amy and I have children, but I would have to imagine that the feelings that we are having must be close to what a parent feels when their child leaves the house to start a career or go on to higher education. I am so proud and honored to have been able to spend the amount of time with these young women as I have been able to these past 7 months.

Enough of the sappiness, You all know how I feel, but I just wanted to get my two cents in.

With Coronation right around the corner, I have had the delight to spend a few days with the new candidates, and I have to tell you, these 50 young women are some of the most amazing young women. Since I have never been involved with anything like this before, and to be able to see the amount of strength, poise, charisma, beauty and character in one location, I am almost stunned speachless...but you all know that really would never happen. I realize that these 50 young women are the future leaders of industry, arts, education, etc. Our future is in good hands! I am having an incredible time getting to know them, and am trying to work my way through them all.

I have to go now, as Princess Jenna is making Lindsey and I go to the water park attached to the hotel this morning. I may have more to say in a couple of hours....Till then....

Monday, July 21, 2008

Captain's Blog- Aquatennial Week! (7/17-7/20)

Finally, a moment to check in....for four days we've been enjoying the "Best Days of Summer" and here's what we've been up to!

We started last Thursday night with the Hopkins Raspberry Festival Coronation. For Captain Rob and I, almost a hometown visit (I'm in St. Louis Park, Rob in Minnetonka....convenient for once!). We started by meeting up with Princess Jenna and Princess Tzvet at Rob's. Rob had lined up a guest room for them at his condo complex so that they wouldn't have to make the trek back and forth during what would be a busy weekend.

Geez Lindsey...Pay Attention!

We loaded up and headed to the Big Ten (greatest subs ANYWHERE by the way) and met up with Commodore Mary and Queen of the Lakes Charissa plus our Aquatennial scheduler and all-around Aqua guru Skip Nelson. A couple of quick scheduling notes and we headed across the street to the Hopkins Center for Performing Arts for the coronation.

Our crew with new Hopkins Royalty

This was a landmark for our Ambassador Family (the seniors joined us also...first time we had been all together since Winter Carnival in February!) because this would be the very last time we made and appearance as a family. We are, as I'm writing this and mentioned in my last entry, a couple of days from adding new seniors and (wiping tears) new Princesses and Queen. This made it a very important coronation for us and it was nice to do it at a place like Hopkins that has such a long and wonderful history with the Raspberry Festival.

Yes, at 6am you need coffee...notice we're
still smiling. Unbelievable.

Friday was the official kickoff for the 69th Annual Aquatennial. We started the day early (very early actually) with a media appearance at Thomas Beach on Lake Calhoun. The morning television news shows came out along with our WCCO Meteorologist Mike Lynch to cover the event which included our six Ambassadors, representatives from the Minneapolis Downtown Council, the Centerpoint Energy Cheerleaders (from Woodbury High School actually...they're very good) and our new friend "Sharky", the mascot from Under Waterworld at the Mall of America.

What a crew...Aquatennial visits Lake Calhoun!

From there, off to breakfast and then a visit to the Senior Bowling Tournament at Memory Lanes in South Minneapolis. The Senior Ambassador group did a bowling tournament and invited us to stop in. Princesses Jenna, Tzvet along with Rob and I headed over there (Commodore Mary and Queen Charissa had a stop to make downtown separately but would join us later), popped on some bowling shoes (which look awesome with crown and gown!) and found our lanes.

The Uptown Diner was so honored by our
presence, they wanted a picture...very sweet of them!

We divided up into teams of three (we also had our drivers...yes, we have drivers during Aquatennial which a fella could get used to) and the competition began. Highest combined score would win.

Let me just say that none of us can bowl very well...at least not well enough to brag about. That said, it was a tight match. It came down to the last frame. Princess Jenna, our driver Justin and I led by 8 pins. Rob and Tzvet's driver Mike (who Rob keeps calling Dan for some reason...don't ask me) had the last chance. First ball, 8 pins. Uh oh. Second ball, gutter. Choke! And a tie, 303-303. What are the chances!

Following a few introduction of our group, all the senior Ambassador candidates and some hugs goodbye, it was back to Rob's for a quick and badly needed nap.

Friday night was the Aquatennial Labor Neighborhood Block Party starring Tim Mahoney, The Fabulous Thunderbirds and the mighty Blues Traveler. First we had a stop to make though.

The senior group also was doing a Karaoke contest at the legion in St. Louis Park. We popped in there to visit and then Commodore Mary dropped a surprise on us when we went on stage to introduce ourselves....I think I heard the words "We'd love to sing These Boots are Made for Walkin' before we have to go!". That's when I blacked out.

OK, it wasn't that bad but you could hear a lot more of Commodore and Queen than you could the other four who want no part of Karaoke and would rather leave it to the professionals!

Then it was off to the block party for some good eats (Famous Dave's....me drooling), a beverage of your choice and some great music. We missed most of the Thunderbirds but Blues Traveler was awesome. Terrific live band. Then it was back to Rob's following a LONG and busy but really fun Friday kickoff for Aquatennial!

Saturday was a pretty open day for us...gave us a chance to regroup a little. We all ran some errands and caught up on sleep. Then the Princesses, Rob and I hit the pool...Rob's wife Amy has family near where we live that have a great pool and we wanted to treat the Princesses to an afternoon of sun and water (why not? It's Aquatennial, right?). Commodore and Queen had a couple of duties Saturday morning and we didn't get to see them that morning.

Saturday night was a big night for us, specifically Princess Jenna. We were going to the Twins game and we were in a suite that was generously provided to us by our wonderful Aquatennial President this year, Bob Alfton.

First, we had to get down to the field....it was former Twins legend Tony Oliva's birthday and he's our Aquatennial Grand Marshall this year! Mary and Charissa went out with a birthday card and cake (the rest of us stood off to the side behind home plate) for Tony O and he then threw out the first pitch.

Commodore, Queen plus reps from
Centerpoint Energy and the Downtown Council
Delivering Tony O's B-Day Cake

Then, up to the suite....Jenna was in heaven. A girl from Gibbon (and that whole area down in Sibley County and surrounding areas) MUST be a baseball fan. It's bred into you. The Twins game is a special treat. On the field is once in a lifetime. In a suite (with LOTS of food!) and the Twins winning 14-2 is beyond what you can expect. She had a terrific time as did all of us and I'm so thrilled that she got to experience that and I hope it's not the last time.

Sunday was another day at Thomas Beach on Lake Calhoun. It was the Star Tribune Beach Bash with Sandcastle Competition and the always popular Milk Carton Boat Races.

A quick side-note....I started writing this this morning at home. I'm now at the hotel and continuing the Captain's Blog while sitting in Captain Rob's room with Princesses Jenna and Tzvet (no, we're not sharing....we're just hanging out during some down time. I guess we still like each other). This is a Captain's Blog first. I'll let you know if anything funny happens (that I'm willing to share!!!!!).

OK, Lake Calhoun. Basically, we were just there to mingle, say hello, thank the volunteers that give so much of their time to these events...stuff like that. It was really fun to see such a huge crowd of people there and even more fun, their dogs!

I think I've mentioned before that Jenna and I are huge dog lovers...well, actually, all of us are. But Jenna and I go nuts for them. Lake Calhoun always has a lot of dog walkers but during this, there were a ton. Really a lot of fun for us.

Our new mascot...this may be the greatest photo of all time

We also got to see a ton of former Aquatennial Ambassadors....Ted Zweig, Joe Johnston, Denny Schulstad, John Hines. The always crucial grudge match during the milk carton boat races was happening as Aquatennial took on Winter Carnival (boooooooo!) and, as usual, Aqua whooped them. Nice.

Then, it was time for Charissa, Jenna and Tzvet to judge the Land O' Lakes Sandcastle competition. Mary, Rob and I walked along and helped best we could but it was tough. These are some really spectacular creations and all did very well.

The Crew at Lake Calhoun

Following the festivities on Lake Calhoun, it was time for the Past Princess Cruise on Lake Minnetonka. I know....tough duty, right?

Princesses Jenna and Tzvet are invited to go which means Rob and I go with...it was fun to finally meet all the candidates who were also with us. It was a beautiful night and perfect for a lake cruise. Former Princesses and awesome volunteers with Aquatennial, Ann Sumangil and Natalka Kramarczuk Hertaus (I had to copy it...there's no way I can spell it) set this up and hosted it and they are amazing women.

This was kind of the moment where the whole things starts to set in and you realize what a huge week this is. These fifty young women are really excited to be here and it makes us really proud and excited to host them and enjoy their company during this week.

After the cruise, we headed downtown with the candidates for a Q&A with Charissa, Jenna and Tzvet (and Mary, Rob and I if they wondered what it is we do....and they did). They have three spectacular role models in our current royalty and it was fun to watch them pick their brains.

That's it for now...couple notes. Not everything has gone perfectly. We've lost two car signs (the magnetic signs with our names on them) that go on our official cars. Freeway speeds just aren't working with them. Oh well.

I also have to share that we have a blast in the cars. I think our driver Justin must think Jenna and I are the craziest people on the face of the earth. We just go goofy sometimes. We were listening to the radio when a rap song (Jenna likes hip-hop...I"ll go with it) came on and I thought I heard the word hotdish. Well, that sent me off and I started changing the lyrics to a hotdish recipe. "Cream of Mushroom Soup in the Hizz-ouse......" Yeah, we're that weird.

Long story short (easy to say after I've written a thousand word novel here), we are really having the time of our lives. Charissa, Mary and the Fantastic Four (I've just decided that we need a nick-name) can't stop laughing and that's what this is about. Mary told all the candidates on Sunday night that they better bring a sense of humor into this if they want to make it (and as Rob says, you can pick one up for $4.95 at Target).

She's absolutely right. There's no way you could hang out with us right now and not have fun. We are really just enjoying this to it's fullest and I'm SOOOOO proud of our Queen and Princesses for how they've represented themselves so far and what they bring to what is already a terrific festival. I'm going to steal a line from the St. Paul Saints....Fun is Good.

Now I have to stop before I start crying.....again. I don't want it to end.

More photos coming soon....we have a million of them but need to start sharing them. Thank GOD for Facebook.com. Stay tuned.

Don't forget....Wednesday is Meet the Candidates at City Center and the Torchlight Parade is that night at 8:30p so don't miss it. We want to see everyone there!

As always, www.aquatennial.com to see what's happening and get out, see us and enjoy the Best Days of Summer!

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Captain

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Captain's Blog 7/9-7/13

A quick rundown of this past weekend and then I'm going off on a tangent....hey, I deserve it! I'm halfway through the year and the hectic simmer schedule plus we are down to our last week with our crowns. I have a few things to say! This is going to be a long one. But you wouldn't be here if I bored you, right? Nevermind. Don't answer that. I can't handle the rejection.

OK, let's start with last Wednesday night. Princess Tzvet and I were off to Isanti for the Rodeo Jubilee Parade. Another perfect night for a parade and a HUGE turnout for Isanti. We were in line behind our friends from Cambridge who we've been seeing a lot lately and that's a good thing.

Their coordinator Laurie has been involved in that program for many years (but doesn't look a day over 30! Yes, she reads this. Hi Laurie!). The one thing about Laurie is she LOVES this. Nobody is happier to be a part of a parade or coronation than her and it wears off on her Cambridge Ambassadors who all do a terrific job not to mention those of us around her.

The Royalty from Isanti (white) and
Cambridge (red)...that's Tzvet on the left

On Saturday, Princess Jenna and I made the trek out to Clara City, Minnesota for Prairie City Days. Clara City is straight west on Highway 7 (the same Highway 7 I live by in St. Louis Park). We had a full day of events....a parade, a Queen's lunch (or was it dinner? Whatever) and a coronation.

New Clara City Royalty

Parade went really well...we rode in a fully restored 1969, candy-apple red Mustang convertible. The same exact car and driver we had in Starbuck a couple weeks ago, oddly enough. Our driver works for the phone company in both cities and his boss collects cars. He drew the short-straw of having to drive us both weekends. Great guy...he was terrific and we thank him.

Gibbon Royalty, past and Present

There was a bit of a prairie wind during Prairie Fest. Sitting in the bleachers watching the parade was not unlike being sandblasted. I'm still picking gravel out of my eyes. Oh well....what can you do? It's all part of the experience!

Winthrop with Jenna, driver Ted, Me
and the star of the show, the Mustang

Sunday was a double-header for Jenna and me. First, off to Winthrop, right next to Jenna's hometown of Gibbon for a parade. She lined up a very sweet retired Winthrop police officer to drive us in his brand new Mustang (the summer of the Mustang apparently). Ted was very excited to drive us and we had a great time seeing a lot of people Jenna knew including boyfriend, mom and dad, sister, brother, Grandpa and Grandma (both sets), aunt, uncle....your getting the picture I guess.

Jenna with her Uncle and Grandparents in Winthrop

Following the parade and a quick lunch, we jumped in the cars and headed north on Highway 15 to beautiful Litchfield for Watercade! We were there for a coronation but we had one stop to make first.

At coronations we typically give out what's called an Aquatennial Commodore's Award which is given at the request of the community to an outstanding volunteer. Litchfield's was a bit different. The recipient of the award, Glen Young, has MS and recently it became too difficult for him to make it to the coronation.

Now, these are almost always surprises to the recipient. His wife, Ethel asked us to come to the house to present it to him and we were thrilled to do so. Jenna and I, along with members of the Watercade Board, went to the house and surprised Glen with an impromptu presentation. He was surrounded by his children and grandchildren and it was really a special moment for Jenna and me.
Glen Young and Family

We then headed back to the High School for the coronation and we presented the award to Glen's wife Ethel so that he was recognized properly that night as well....the crowd gave them a standing ovation and it was more than deserved. It's people like Glen that make these communities special and vibrant. It's really important to take the time to recognize these people and I'm glad Aquatennial does that.

New Litchfield Royalty

Three days until the start of Aquatennial....it doesn't seem possible. I remember looking at our schedule in May and thinking Aquatennial seems so far off. I can't believe it's been almost three months since then.

Since the last week of May, I've been to more than 30 events. Annandale, Granite Falls, Willmar, West St. Paul, Starbuck, Melrose, Coon Rapids, Princeton, Wintrhrop, Litchfield and on and on. It's been a blast. This is not complaining. I've enjoyed all of them. Every parade, every coronation....they all have their charms and all are populated with people who are nothing short of fantastic. True Minnesota people who are genuinely happy to see you. It's great.

I've also been fortunate to attend festivals in Aberdeen, South Dakota, the St. Paul Winter Carnival, Festival Du Voyaguer in Winnipeg, Fiesta San Antonio (yes, in Texas). All were spectacular experiences that I'll never forget.

It is starting to sound like this is the end of the road for me but it's not. I still carry on through December (actually early January). What I'm getting towards is the end of one phase of this. 11 days from writing this, we will be in the Ted Mann Hall on the U of M campus crowning a new Aquatennial Queen of the Lakes and two new Princesses.

The Aquatennial Commodore, Captains and President run January through January. There are reasons for this that I won't bore you with...I'm just making the point that we overlap with the three "crowns". Each set meets 2 sets of Ambassadors, if that makes any sense.

The feeling that is starting to set in for me is bittersweet (and without speaking for Captain Rob or Commodore Mary, I would think it's similar). It will be really exciting to welcome what I'm sure will be three terrific young women to the Aquatennial. I have now gotten the chance to meet many of the fifty candidates who will be descending on downtown Minneapolis on Sunday night. They are going to be great. No doubt.

Outgoing Miss Litchfield, now an
Aquatennial Candidate, Anna Haugo

Outgoing Miss Clara City, now an
Aquatennial Candidate, Brandy Woodring

On the other hand, we have to say goodbye to Queen Charissa and Princesses Tzvet and Jenna plus the people who make up the Senior Ambassadors. We have spent a LOT of time together. The traveling, the parades, the meeting and greeting, the photos and just the friendship we all witnessed together is a very bonding experience.

I realize I'm dragging on but this is my one chance to share some of this so I'm hoping you'll hang with me here.

In January, Mary, Rob and I met Tzvet and Jenna for the first time at Winter Carnival (Mary and I had already spent time with Charissa in Aberdeen but this was Rob's first event as Captain and the first time with Princesses for all of us). I remember Rob and I talking about how we'd "like them" and whether we'd "have fun with them" and goofy, kind of junior-high like stuff. It came out later that Jenna and Tzvet had the same conversations about us.

We knew the four of us would be spending a good share of the next 6 months together and you start to worry whether or not you'll click. Human nature I suppose, even if you are supposed to be adults (and if you know Rob and I, you'll start to doubt we're anywhere near adult-hood....I'm not kidding. We're children). I'd like to think that no matter what, we'd do great together but you never know. Your mind always seems to think the worst....plus, maybe they wouldn't like us (Lindsey, shivering in the corner....so cold, so cold)!

I think all our fears were put to rest about 10 minutes in. We walked from the St. Paul Hotel over to the Rivercentre and in that time, we knew we'd have fun (Mary and Charissa were never a concern...they were perfect together. Plus, I work with Mary and Rob's wife Amy works with us and we're already a big happy family). We actually couldn't wait to see them again. We spent one night, one event with them and Rob and I told each other on the way home that this was going to be great.

Our first events all together...during the St. Paul Winter Carnival

We've had a good run as a festival family. I remember hearing from other Captain's and Commodore's early on that they still keep in touch with their Queen's and Princesses and fellow ambassadors....going to graduations or weddings, writing each other frequently. Things like that. The type of things you'd do with your daughter or niece or sister. Might sound weird if you haven't been there but now I understand.

I'm going to take this arena (small as it is!) to formally say a couple of thank yous.

One, to Commodore Mary for getting me involved in this. I didn't know what I was getting myself into when she asked me to be a Captain. NO idea. It was spooky at first. You have to step out of your comfort zone a bit for this and it's been very good for me. I'm honored she thought I could do it and I hope I've represented myself well not just through Aquatennial but as her employee at WCCO Radio. It's something I want to continue doing and I'm glad she started me down this path.

Two, to Captain Rob. Rob and I (and his wife Amy) have been good friends for a few years and this experience wouldn't be the same without him. We could have fun anywhere and having him around and having such a good friend to lean on through this has only made this that much more enjoyable.

Three, to the Aquatennial board for taking me on, showing me the way and allowing me the chance to represent them. Skip Nelson, Bob Alfton, John Brandt and everyone else (too many to list frankly) have been great.

Finally, to the three crowns who are entering their last week with us...Queen Charissa, Princess Tzvet and Princess Jenna. You are why we do this. And it's worth every second and every penny.

I've spent time with all three and can honestly say that they are three of the finest young women I've ever met. Charissa to me, seems like the epitome of a "Queen of the Lakes". Poised, well-spoken and just right on the money. I've really enjoyed being around her.

Your Queen of the Lakes,
Marilyn Monroe....I mean Charissa Pederson!

Princess Tzvet came here from Bulgaria and through the terrific program they have in Anoka, became an Aquatennial Princess and I can see why. Every time I'm with her, I just keep laughing. She is so enjoyable to be with. I will miss her deadpan humor.

Faker....see, told you she was funny

Last but not least is the Princess I've spent the most time with, Jenna. Jenna and I have basically toured western Minnesota this summer. If I didn't have her with me, I don't know how I would have done it. Jenna is just an awesome, down-to-earth, small town girl from Gibbon. One thing we have in common is the small-town attitude (I'm from Big Lake although that's not really small anymore....it was an eon ago when I was a pup). Although I've put the small town behind me to fight traffic everyday in Minneapolis (cough, cough), I still love the sight of a cornfield and the simpleness of a town with one stoplight.

Gibbon Royalty, Past and Present

Beyond that, however, she is so fun to be with. Always laughing and smiling....she just forces you into a good mood (except for that one time we were driving through Glenwood and the heat got to us both....it happens). I just think the world of her. She's heading into her last year at St. Cloud State in accounting and I can't think of anyone I'd rather have doing my taxes!

The farm girl telling me I'm sitting on
a straw bail, not a hay bail....good to know!

Well, that should do it for now! If you're still reading, I can't believe it. Don't you have anything better to do?

I kid, I kid. I know, I'm Hemingway. Who could put this down with me droning on and on about what I think. Good stuff. I need professional help.

Here's what's coming up this week and hopefully I'll get time towards the end of this week or this weekend for and Aquatennial update. I'll try to keep this going through festival week but it depends on our schedule which may just be too busy. I'll do what I can.

For now, check us out at the following:

Thursday, July 17th- Hopkins Raspberry Festival Coronation plus listen to the Morning News with Dave Lee in the 8am hour for our very own Queen of the Lakes Charissa Pederson!

Friday, July 18th- AQUATENNIAL BEGINS! Check us out on the local morning TV stations as we'll be at Thomas Beach on Lake Calhoun for the kickoff then, don't miss the Labor Neighborhood Block Party with great music from Blues Traveler, The Fabulous Thunderbirds and local artist Tim Mahoney.

Saturday, July 19th- We'll be at the Minnesota Twins/Texas Rangers game as our Aquatennial Grand Marshall and former Twins star Tony Oliva throws out the first pitch (I believe Charissa and Commodore Mary will be on the field with him....I'll be in line for beer).

Sunday, July 20th- Big day....the Star Tribune Beach Bash takes place on Thomas Beach on Lake Calhoun. This includes the awesome Land O' Lakes Sandcastle competition plus the always exciting Milk Carton Boat races. The Aquatennial candidates also arrive this day so that's very exciting. We end the night with Jenna, Tzvet, Rob and me heading out on the Past Princess cruise on Lake Minnetonka. Looking forward to a really fun day.

Hopefully, like I said, I'll check be checking in a couple of days from now or maybe early next week. Enjoy your summer and can't wait to see everyone at Aquatennial!

For info on everything going on, www.aquatennial.com or www.aquatennialambassadors.com will fill you in!

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Aquatennial Captain