Friday, July 25, 2008

Captain's Blog- Aquatennial Week (7/25)

Happy Aquatennial Greetings! It's Friday afternoon about 2pm and we're just resting up for what should be a BIG night. Coronation is only a few hours away. Here's what's been happening:

Wednesday was a great day...our wonderful visiting dignitaries arrived (St. Paul Winter Carnival, LaCrosse Oktoberfest, South Dakota Snow Queen Festival, Festival Du Voyaguer from Winnipeg, San Antonio Fiesta) and it was great to see some of our old friends from our travels this year.

First order of business was dinner...and a huge dinner at that. Fogo De Chao in downtown Minneapolis was nice enough to welcome all of us and all the candidates for dinner and they serve up South American style steak and other roasted meats. All you can eat. I mean ALLLLLLL you can eat.

Bring us food!!! And lots of it!

You'll notice we're not lacking for food this week. I feel puffy. Thank God for stretchy dress pants.

Following the dinner we headed over to the Dunwoody parking lot for the parade lineup. Now, all year, we were either all together on the float (which the Senior Ambassadors use for the Torchlight Parade) or paired up in cars (Commodore and Queen, Captain with Princess). Torchlight, however, is different. Commodore Mary was in her own car, Queen Charissa in her own car, Rob and I each were in our own cars and the Princesses shared a car.

I wouldn't want the Winter Carnival Prime
Minister to kiss me either. No offense.

The reason I'm telling you that is because it felt weird. Not bad weird, just different. Plus, usually you work mostly one side of a parade. When you're by yourself, you have to do both sides. That's hard work. There were a LOT of people there and it was hard to get to everyone. Plus, I missed my Princesses. We have such a good time together during the parades and I wanted to be with them.

Some beautiful flowers for three beautiful girls!
Put your hat on Rob.

But it was great that Jenna and Tzvet rode together. They are great friends and I'm glad they shared such an amazing experience with each other. And Charissa had her family with her in her car and I know that was really important to her. And the three of them is what all of this is really about.

When we were pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards the parade route, we went by all the Aquatennial candidates who were lined up to send us off. I was directly in front of the Princesses car and when they went by, the candidates started singing them a song (the amazing Ann Sumangil has several songs they teach the girls every year including one for the Princesses).

The Amazing (and adorable) Ann Sumangil!

As they are serenading the Princesses and waving and saying goodbye to us, I looked behind me and Jenna and Tzvet are was their last parade and one of the most touching things I've ever seen. I immediately started crying too. I mean, I've known the guy driving my car for 10 minutes and he's wondering what's wrong with me. Well, I'm wondering the same thing!!!

I can't explain to you the emotions that run through us during this week and that was just a moment where it all came out of us and is one thing I will NEVER forget. We blew kisses to each other and it is the moment where it hit me that these girls are done tonight. It's hard to fathom. It is not the end...just the beginning. I keep telling myself that.

The candidates by the amazing collection of fifty young women. While the sadness of saying goodbye to Charissa, Tzvet and Jenna is there, the excitement of crowning three more amazing young women is still there. There is no question in my mind that the Aquatennial Queen of the Lakes program is so successful because of the remarkable, talented, smart and engaging women who enter it. The past Ambassadors I've met along with the candidate that are running are just stunning. And I think you know how I feel about our current Ambassadors. Now I need another tissue. Great.

Our Friends from Sibley County

Thursday was a day of relaxation and reminiscence for us. We were treated to a day and night on Lake Minnetonka with a nice boat ride and then the Commodore's party at the home of Bill Popp. More on him in a second.

The boat ride around Minnetonka was awesome. I've never spent much time on that lake even though I live 15 minutes from there. You hear so much about it's beauty and it's all true. The homes are stunning and what a terrific day for our six family members just to sit in the sun and enjoy each other's company.

A Proud Captain with His Princess

Then it was off to the Popp's home on the lake, and amazing house with a stunning view. Bill and Terri Popp are not only great friends of the Aquatennial (Bill was the Commodore in 1995) but also of WCCO Radio and especially Commodore Mary. They are so generous to open their house to us for the Commodore's party. Bill is the ultimate volunteer and is always so grateful to other volunteers and the Commodore's party really is a celebration of that.

He had some wonderful words for all of our Ambassador family before Mary got up to speak. She thanked Rob and I for our service and talked about how much fun we have as a family. She then thanked Charissa's parents, Mark and Val, for everything they've done for us this year (they drive the float in many parades and it is a TON of work and we are sooooooo grateful to them).

Mary then presented Rob and I with gifts....T-shirts that said "Hey Princess, Get Me A Beer". Now, if you know Rob and I, you'll get that immediately. If not, I think you get the idea. It's been our pleasure to serve our girls needs all year long and now maybe it's time to do something for us, right? OK, I'm just kidding. They've done enough just by putting up with us frankly.

Ummmm...Princess, about that beer.....

Then it was my turn....after telling the crowd how Mary roped me into this, I mentioned that what I've done over the past seven months is the best thing I've ever done. It means so much to so many people and helps create a community that we can all be very proud of. I thanked the people responsible for giving me that opportunity.

I crying in Aquatennial. Whatever.

Then, I got the chance to introduce my family for the last time in front of that special group of people. It made us all cry again. We really have become a family and I think our friendships just stir up very special emotions. There were so many former Ambassadors there that it really hit home how far we had come and what an honor it has been to serve in our respective roles.

Our Family and the Aquatennial Candidates

We then headed back to the hotel where the visiting dignitaries and Aquatennial exchange gifts. It is a tradition among those traveling festivals and is always very special. It also is a lot of fun. These are just very fine people who get involved in these and are people who are always quick to laugh and joke and basically just have a great time. They are all terrific.

Today, we had a coronation rehearsal in the morning before we crowned our next Senior Ambassador group. I'll get to them next time but for now, we need to say goodbye to our outgoing seniors.

Senior Commodore Doug Anderson, Senior Queen Ann Hair, Senior Vice-Commodore Patrick Bohmer and Senior Princess Judy Holmquist....all did a great job and are also a large part of our family. They are also amazing volunteers and should be thanked for all their hard work.

Well, time to get ready for coronation. I have been down the emotion road too many times now so let me just say one more thing....we are all very excited to meet the new Queen of the Lakes and Princesses but for one last time, thank you Charissa, Jenna and Tzvet. You all three are amazing young women who have been spectacular this year. I feel honored to have met you, blessed to call you friends and I'm so happy for all of you. You should be extremely proud of your accomplishments.

The only sight prettier than Lake Minnetonka

We will be seeing each other a lot, I know. Jenna and I have already talked about what's next and what we can get involved with to continue our relationship with Aquatennial. I'm sure everyone else will too. The six of us will be lifelong friends and will forever be the 2008 Aquatennial Ambassador family. I'm so honored.

I Love You All

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Aquatennial Captain
(Can't wait to tell you who are next Queen and Princesses are....till next time!)

1 comment:

Anne/Sumi said...

Oh dear God! I took that picture because Rob had taken a similar one on mine. I didn't think it would be online! Thanks for the kind words. I'm wiping the tears as I read your blog. It brings back a lot of the emotions from my year...there should be a support group, I tell ya! I probably just need to get more sleep...