Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Captain's Blog 7/22 (Plus Guest Blog)

I have just a minute here so a quick check-in...

Yesterday, we ate more food than you could imagine. We were like a traveling pack of 'hungry, hungry hippos'. I was the blue one.

We also visited the Senior Ambassador Ballroom Dance which was really fun. When we went up on stage I was introduced as "Queen of the Lakes, Lindsey Peterson!" That was first. I told everyone that I want to wear the crown then. They wouldn't let me. Oh well....guess I'll just have to live with Captain.

We then went to the Taste of the Twin Cities which was samples of food from some of the best restaurants in town. Mmmmmm.....oysters. And steak. And LOTS of dessert. I think we are all on about a 10,000 calorie per day diet right now. I hope I fit into the suit for coronation Friday.

After that, we met up with the candidates at Buca. We had just missed their spaghetti eating contest (our lovely Princess Jenna is the defending champ). Anna Haugo of Litchfield won this year's with a time of 34 seconds. Nice job!

After we arrived, it was time for our group contest. Mary, Rob, Jenna, Tzvet, Charissa and me all were placed in front of plates of spaghetti (a little hot by the way!) it was face first into the plate.

Jenna and Charissa tied....what are the chances? I think I finished third....Rob, Mary and Tzvet barely touched theirs. I gave up before I could finish. I thought I was going to explode by then. Of course there's always room for Tiramisu (did I even come close to spelling that right?).

After we rolled ourselves out of Buca!

After that, our drivers rolled us back to the hotel (I mean rolled could have made my belly into a globe by then). Quick night's sleep and we're back at it today for the "Meet the Candidates" at City Center downtown and the always exciting Centerpoint Energy Torchlight Parade tonight.

Again, I have to find time to add more photos but in the meantime, here we are wondering why we ate that last Cannoli.

So, full....shirt, straining.....can't breath.
Ahhh....Aquatennial week!

Now, a special treat....Captain Rob checks in with a guest blog. Enjoy!

Aquatennial Captain LP

Good morning, It is 9 am Tuesday morning and as I sit here, at the Grand Lodge Raddison in Bloomington, I am reflecting back on what has been the most amazing 7 months of my life. Back in January, when Mary and Lindsey asked me to do this, I never dreamed that this experience would affect me as it has. Like Lindsey said earlier, sitting in the St Paul Hotel waiting for the Queen and Princesses, giggling like a couple of schoolgirls, and wondering if they were going to like us, and if we were going to like them, to fast forward 7 months and understand that these young women are about to embark on the next stage of their lives, is just an absolutely incredible feeling. As most of you know neither Lindsey or Amy and I have children, but I would have to imagine that the feelings that we are having must be close to what a parent feels when their child leaves the house to start a career or go on to higher education. I am so proud and honored to have been able to spend the amount of time with these young women as I have been able to these past 7 months.

Enough of the sappiness, You all know how I feel, but I just wanted to get my two cents in.

With Coronation right around the corner, I have had the delight to spend a few days with the new candidates, and I have to tell you, these 50 young women are some of the most amazing young women. Since I have never been involved with anything like this before, and to be able to see the amount of strength, poise, charisma, beauty and character in one location, I am almost stunned speachless...but you all know that really would never happen. I realize that these 50 young women are the future leaders of industry, arts, education, etc. Our future is in good hands! I am having an incredible time getting to know them, and am trying to work my way through them all.

I have to go now, as Princess Jenna is making Lindsey and I go to the water park attached to the hotel this morning. I may have more to say in a couple of hours....Till then....

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