Saturday, July 26, 2008

Captain's Blog- Aquatennial Week (7/26)

It's now 3:30am....and I can't sleep. Awesome. At least we're not on TV until 9am.

Just a quick check in here. We have three new Aquatennial Ambassadors:

The former Miss Cokato, Aquatennial Princess Emily McConkey, the Former Miss Hutchinson, Aquatennial Princess Jaclyn Auger and the former Miss Maple Grove, Aquatennial Queen of the Lakes, Tara Litwinchuk. How was my pronunciation? Nevermind....Don't answer that.

Alone in the dark? No, just another coronation!

Tonight was incredible, emotional and bizarre all in one. We start by saying goodbye to our best friends, Charissa, Tzvet and Jenna. We end it by saying hello to three amazing and deserving your women, Emily, Jaclyn and Tara. Then we all gather in a hotel room and we have to figure out what's next. That's the bizarre.

First, back to coronation. We had an idea of who it might be. We spend a lot of time guessing and former lists. We thought we had a pretty good idea what was going to happen. Not.

Anyway, the three outgoing ambassadors give their speeches and receive scholarships. They then joined Rob, Mary and I backstage. This consisted of Jenna running at me and almost knocking me over with maybe the world's greatest hug. They were so excited. All three of them. I can't explain it.

The girls giving their farewell speeches...
Jenna, then Tzvet then Charissa

It's that moment when you know you've done something so special and you've absolutely hit a grand slam doing it. These were very special girls and still are. The adrenaline pumping through the place was amazing.

Jenna and I were the first to crown a Princess. Jenna was shaking on my arm. They pulled out the envelope and we looked at each other and I could see the pride and excitement in her eyes. I was so happy for her.

Jenna crowning Emily...Lindsey trying not to look awkward. Again.

When they said the name "Miss Cokato", Jenna practically pulled me out on stage. A personal favorite, I think. We walked out, Jenna put the crown on her and I handed her flowers. Then came the cutest thing I've seen in a while.

With 1200 people staring at us, this shaken, crying and uber-excited young girl looked up at me and said, "I don't know what to do next". Who does? I told her to walk to the right, circle around the stage and come back to me. She did that. Then I had her take my arm and we walked to the left side of the stage. I felt like I was holding her up. And I mean this in a good way. She was holding onto my arm like (please don't think of this as insulting because it's not meant to be) a puppy you just bring home for the first time and they don't want to leave you. It has nothing to do with you; you just happen to be the guy holding on to them. It was amazing to see the reactions and emotions flying around the place. Indescribable.

This was pretty could feel so much energy on stage

Rob and Tzvet were next and they crowned Miss Hutchinson, Jaclyn Auger (start remembering names because after this, I'm just abbreviating!!!!). Same thing....excitement, squeeling, mayhem, crowns and flowers...and that's just Rob.

Kidding, kidding......he never got the crown.

Who was more giddy...Jaclyn or Rob?

Anyway, after the Princesses, we welcomed our new Queen of the Lakes, Tara Litwinchuk. She's darling...we had heard a ton of great things about her during this week and it's great to see not only a Queen, but the two Princesses uniformly welcomed like they have been tonight. While we were greeting people after the coronation, almost everyone who came up said the same are SOOOOO lucky to have her. That goes for all three. We are so lucky. We've been lucky for a long time.

From one Queen of the Lakes to the next...

One more note...we arrived back at the hotel and we went to what is called the hospitality room. Basically a place where all us festival idiots can hang out and have a beverage. With all the visiting dignitaries in town, it's only fitting that we bring in the new girls and introduce them properly. And that's my job of course.

Brand new royalty...nice job ladies!!!!!!

So, we walk into the room and who's the first group of people I see? Charissa, Tzvet and Jenna. I had to look them in the eye and introduce three brand new women. It was tough. I felt like I was abandoning a child. No kidding. I saw them and my heart broke.

It's not goodbye...not even close.

Change is hard...necessary but hard. We will be awesome as a family. I know that. The biggest reason being that we care. Mary, Rob and I will always care. These people are too important.

Thank you for all the support given to Aquatennial and we are on to phase two!

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Aquatennial Captain

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