Monday, July 21, 2008

Captain's Blog- Aquatennial Week! (7/17-7/20)

Finally, a moment to check in....for four days we've been enjoying the "Best Days of Summer" and here's what we've been up to!

We started last Thursday night with the Hopkins Raspberry Festival Coronation. For Captain Rob and I, almost a hometown visit (I'm in St. Louis Park, Rob in Minnetonka....convenient for once!). We started by meeting up with Princess Jenna and Princess Tzvet at Rob's. Rob had lined up a guest room for them at his condo complex so that they wouldn't have to make the trek back and forth during what would be a busy weekend.

Geez Lindsey...Pay Attention!

We loaded up and headed to the Big Ten (greatest subs ANYWHERE by the way) and met up with Commodore Mary and Queen of the Lakes Charissa plus our Aquatennial scheduler and all-around Aqua guru Skip Nelson. A couple of quick scheduling notes and we headed across the street to the Hopkins Center for Performing Arts for the coronation.

Our crew with new Hopkins Royalty

This was a landmark for our Ambassador Family (the seniors joined us also...first time we had been all together since Winter Carnival in February!) because this would be the very last time we made and appearance as a family. We are, as I'm writing this and mentioned in my last entry, a couple of days from adding new seniors and (wiping tears) new Princesses and Queen. This made it a very important coronation for us and it was nice to do it at a place like Hopkins that has such a long and wonderful history with the Raspberry Festival.

Yes, at 6am you need coffee...notice we're
still smiling. Unbelievable.

Friday was the official kickoff for the 69th Annual Aquatennial. We started the day early (very early actually) with a media appearance at Thomas Beach on Lake Calhoun. The morning television news shows came out along with our WCCO Meteorologist Mike Lynch to cover the event which included our six Ambassadors, representatives from the Minneapolis Downtown Council, the Centerpoint Energy Cheerleaders (from Woodbury High School actually...they're very good) and our new friend "Sharky", the mascot from Under Waterworld at the Mall of America.

What a crew...Aquatennial visits Lake Calhoun!

From there, off to breakfast and then a visit to the Senior Bowling Tournament at Memory Lanes in South Minneapolis. The Senior Ambassador group did a bowling tournament and invited us to stop in. Princesses Jenna, Tzvet along with Rob and I headed over there (Commodore Mary and Queen Charissa had a stop to make downtown separately but would join us later), popped on some bowling shoes (which look awesome with crown and gown!) and found our lanes.

The Uptown Diner was so honored by our
presence, they wanted a picture...very sweet of them!

We divided up into teams of three (we also had our drivers...yes, we have drivers during Aquatennial which a fella could get used to) and the competition began. Highest combined score would win.

Let me just say that none of us can bowl very least not well enough to brag about. That said, it was a tight match. It came down to the last frame. Princess Jenna, our driver Justin and I led by 8 pins. Rob and Tzvet's driver Mike (who Rob keeps calling Dan for some reason...don't ask me) had the last chance. First ball, 8 pins. Uh oh. Second ball, gutter. Choke! And a tie, 303-303. What are the chances!

Following a few introduction of our group, all the senior Ambassador candidates and some hugs goodbye, it was back to Rob's for a quick and badly needed nap.

Friday night was the Aquatennial Labor Neighborhood Block Party starring Tim Mahoney, The Fabulous Thunderbirds and the mighty Blues Traveler. First we had a stop to make though.

The senior group also was doing a Karaoke contest at the legion in St. Louis Park. We popped in there to visit and then Commodore Mary dropped a surprise on us when we went on stage to introduce ourselves....I think I heard the words "We'd love to sing These Boots are Made for Walkin' before we have to go!". That's when I blacked out.

OK, it wasn't that bad but you could hear a lot more of Commodore and Queen than you could the other four who want no part of Karaoke and would rather leave it to the professionals!

Then it was off to the block party for some good eats (Famous Dave' drooling), a beverage of your choice and some great music. We missed most of the Thunderbirds but Blues Traveler was awesome. Terrific live band. Then it was back to Rob's following a LONG and busy but really fun Friday kickoff for Aquatennial!

Saturday was a pretty open day for us...gave us a chance to regroup a little. We all ran some errands and caught up on sleep. Then the Princesses, Rob and I hit the pool...Rob's wife Amy has family near where we live that have a great pool and we wanted to treat the Princesses to an afternoon of sun and water (why not? It's Aquatennial, right?). Commodore and Queen had a couple of duties Saturday morning and we didn't get to see them that morning.

Saturday night was a big night for us, specifically Princess Jenna. We were going to the Twins game and we were in a suite that was generously provided to us by our wonderful Aquatennial President this year, Bob Alfton.

First, we had to get down to the was former Twins legend Tony Oliva's birthday and he's our Aquatennial Grand Marshall this year! Mary and Charissa went out with a birthday card and cake (the rest of us stood off to the side behind home plate) for Tony O and he then threw out the first pitch.

Commodore, Queen plus reps from
Centerpoint Energy and the Downtown Council
Delivering Tony O's B-Day Cake

Then, up to the suite....Jenna was in heaven. A girl from Gibbon (and that whole area down in Sibley County and surrounding areas) MUST be a baseball fan. It's bred into you. The Twins game is a special treat. On the field is once in a lifetime. In a suite (with LOTS of food!) and the Twins winning 14-2 is beyond what you can expect. She had a terrific time as did all of us and I'm so thrilled that she got to experience that and I hope it's not the last time.

Sunday was another day at Thomas Beach on Lake Calhoun. It was the Star Tribune Beach Bash with Sandcastle Competition and the always popular Milk Carton Boat Races.

A quick side-note....I started writing this this morning at home. I'm now at the hotel and continuing the Captain's Blog while sitting in Captain Rob's room with Princesses Jenna and Tzvet (no, we're not sharing....we're just hanging out during some down time. I guess we still like each other). This is a Captain's Blog first. I'll let you know if anything funny happens (that I'm willing to share!!!!!).

OK, Lake Calhoun. Basically, we were just there to mingle, say hello, thank the volunteers that give so much of their time to these events...stuff like that. It was really fun to see such a huge crowd of people there and even more fun, their dogs!

I think I've mentioned before that Jenna and I are huge dog lovers...well, actually, all of us are. But Jenna and I go nuts for them. Lake Calhoun always has a lot of dog walkers but during this, there were a ton. Really a lot of fun for us.

Our new mascot...this may be the greatest photo of all time

We also got to see a ton of former Aquatennial Ambassadors....Ted Zweig, Joe Johnston, Denny Schulstad, John Hines. The always crucial grudge match during the milk carton boat races was happening as Aquatennial took on Winter Carnival (boooooooo!) and, as usual, Aqua whooped them. Nice.

Then, it was time for Charissa, Jenna and Tzvet to judge the Land O' Lakes Sandcastle competition. Mary, Rob and I walked along and helped best we could but it was tough. These are some really spectacular creations and all did very well.

The Crew at Lake Calhoun

Following the festivities on Lake Calhoun, it was time for the Past Princess Cruise on Lake Minnetonka. I know....tough duty, right?

Princesses Jenna and Tzvet are invited to go which means Rob and I go was fun to finally meet all the candidates who were also with us. It was a beautiful night and perfect for a lake cruise. Former Princesses and awesome volunteers with Aquatennial, Ann Sumangil and Natalka Kramarczuk Hertaus (I had to copy it...there's no way I can spell it) set this up and hosted it and they are amazing women.

This was kind of the moment where the whole things starts to set in and you realize what a huge week this is. These fifty young women are really excited to be here and it makes us really proud and excited to host them and enjoy their company during this week.

After the cruise, we headed downtown with the candidates for a Q&A with Charissa, Jenna and Tzvet (and Mary, Rob and I if they wondered what it is we do....and they did). They have three spectacular role models in our current royalty and it was fun to watch them pick their brains.

That's it for now...couple notes. Not everything has gone perfectly. We've lost two car signs (the magnetic signs with our names on them) that go on our official cars. Freeway speeds just aren't working with them. Oh well.

I also have to share that we have a blast in the cars. I think our driver Justin must think Jenna and I are the craziest people on the face of the earth. We just go goofy sometimes. We were listening to the radio when a rap song (Jenna likes hip-hop...I"ll go with it) came on and I thought I heard the word hotdish. Well, that sent me off and I started changing the lyrics to a hotdish recipe. "Cream of Mushroom Soup in the Hizz-ouse......" Yeah, we're that weird.

Long story short (easy to say after I've written a thousand word novel here), we are really having the time of our lives. Charissa, Mary and the Fantastic Four (I've just decided that we need a nick-name) can't stop laughing and that's what this is about. Mary told all the candidates on Sunday night that they better bring a sense of humor into this if they want to make it (and as Rob says, you can pick one up for $4.95 at Target).

She's absolutely right. There's no way you could hang out with us right now and not have fun. We are really just enjoying this to it's fullest and I'm SOOOOO proud of our Queen and Princesses for how they've represented themselves so far and what they bring to what is already a terrific festival. I'm going to steal a line from the St. Paul Saints....Fun is Good.

Now I have to stop before I start crying.....again. I don't want it to end.

More photos coming soon....we have a million of them but need to start sharing them. Thank GOD for Stay tuned.

Don't forget....Wednesday is Meet the Candidates at City Center and the Torchlight Parade is that night at 8:30p so don't miss it. We want to see everyone there!

As always, to see what's happening and get out, see us and enjoy the Best Days of Summer!

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Captain


Anonymous said...

This is so much fun to read! I'm a former Miss Winthrop and Aquatennial Queen of the Lakes candidate living in Alabama right now...I love that you're keeping this blog so I can stay in touch with the 10 Best Days of Summer. I hope I can be involved with Aquatennial again someday, but for now, Roll Tide!

Kacey White
Miss Winthrop 2001

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