Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Captain's Blog 7/9-7/13

A quick rundown of this past weekend and then I'm going off on a tangent....hey, I deserve it! I'm halfway through the year and the hectic simmer schedule plus we are down to our last week with our crowns. I have a few things to say! This is going to be a long one. But you wouldn't be here if I bored you, right? Nevermind. Don't answer that. I can't handle the rejection.

OK, let's start with last Wednesday night. Princess Tzvet and I were off to Isanti for the Rodeo Jubilee Parade. Another perfect night for a parade and a HUGE turnout for Isanti. We were in line behind our friends from Cambridge who we've been seeing a lot lately and that's a good thing.

Their coordinator Laurie has been involved in that program for many years (but doesn't look a day over 30! Yes, she reads this. Hi Laurie!). The one thing about Laurie is she LOVES this. Nobody is happier to be a part of a parade or coronation than her and it wears off on her Cambridge Ambassadors who all do a terrific job not to mention those of us around her.

The Royalty from Isanti (white) and
Cambridge (red)...that's Tzvet on the left

On Saturday, Princess Jenna and I made the trek out to Clara City, Minnesota for Prairie City Days. Clara City is straight west on Highway 7 (the same Highway 7 I live by in St. Louis Park). We had a full day of events....a parade, a Queen's lunch (or was it dinner? Whatever) and a coronation.

New Clara City Royalty

Parade went really well...we rode in a fully restored 1969, candy-apple red Mustang convertible. The same exact car and driver we had in Starbuck a couple weeks ago, oddly enough. Our driver works for the phone company in both cities and his boss collects cars. He drew the short-straw of having to drive us both weekends. Great guy...he was terrific and we thank him.

Gibbon Royalty, past and Present

There was a bit of a prairie wind during Prairie Fest. Sitting in the bleachers watching the parade was not unlike being sandblasted. I'm still picking gravel out of my eyes. Oh well....what can you do? It's all part of the experience!

Winthrop with Jenna, driver Ted, Me
and the star of the show, the Mustang

Sunday was a double-header for Jenna and me. First, off to Winthrop, right next to Jenna's hometown of Gibbon for a parade. She lined up a very sweet retired Winthrop police officer to drive us in his brand new Mustang (the summer of the Mustang apparently). Ted was very excited to drive us and we had a great time seeing a lot of people Jenna knew including boyfriend, mom and dad, sister, brother, Grandpa and Grandma (both sets), aunt, uncle....your getting the picture I guess.

Jenna with her Uncle and Grandparents in Winthrop

Following the parade and a quick lunch, we jumped in the cars and headed north on Highway 15 to beautiful Litchfield for Watercade! We were there for a coronation but we had one stop to make first.

At coronations we typically give out what's called an Aquatennial Commodore's Award which is given at the request of the community to an outstanding volunteer. Litchfield's was a bit different. The recipient of the award, Glen Young, has MS and recently it became too difficult for him to make it to the coronation.

Now, these are almost always surprises to the recipient. His wife, Ethel asked us to come to the house to present it to him and we were thrilled to do so. Jenna and I, along with members of the Watercade Board, went to the house and surprised Glen with an impromptu presentation. He was surrounded by his children and grandchildren and it was really a special moment for Jenna and me.
Glen Young and Family

We then headed back to the High School for the coronation and we presented the award to Glen's wife Ethel so that he was recognized properly that night as well....the crowd gave them a standing ovation and it was more than deserved. It's people like Glen that make these communities special and vibrant. It's really important to take the time to recognize these people and I'm glad Aquatennial does that.

New Litchfield Royalty

Three days until the start of Aquatennial....it doesn't seem possible. I remember looking at our schedule in May and thinking Aquatennial seems so far off. I can't believe it's been almost three months since then.

Since the last week of May, I've been to more than 30 events. Annandale, Granite Falls, Willmar, West St. Paul, Starbuck, Melrose, Coon Rapids, Princeton, Wintrhrop, Litchfield and on and on. It's been a blast. This is not complaining. I've enjoyed all of them. Every parade, every coronation....they all have their charms and all are populated with people who are nothing short of fantastic. True Minnesota people who are genuinely happy to see you. It's great.

I've also been fortunate to attend festivals in Aberdeen, South Dakota, the St. Paul Winter Carnival, Festival Du Voyaguer in Winnipeg, Fiesta San Antonio (yes, in Texas). All were spectacular experiences that I'll never forget.

It is starting to sound like this is the end of the road for me but it's not. I still carry on through December (actually early January). What I'm getting towards is the end of one phase of this. 11 days from writing this, we will be in the Ted Mann Hall on the U of M campus crowning a new Aquatennial Queen of the Lakes and two new Princesses.

The Aquatennial Commodore, Captains and President run January through January. There are reasons for this that I won't bore you with...I'm just making the point that we overlap with the three "crowns". Each set meets 2 sets of Ambassadors, if that makes any sense.

The feeling that is starting to set in for me is bittersweet (and without speaking for Captain Rob or Commodore Mary, I would think it's similar). It will be really exciting to welcome what I'm sure will be three terrific young women to the Aquatennial. I have now gotten the chance to meet many of the fifty candidates who will be descending on downtown Minneapolis on Sunday night. They are going to be great. No doubt.

Outgoing Miss Litchfield, now an
Aquatennial Candidate, Anna Haugo

Outgoing Miss Clara City, now an
Aquatennial Candidate, Brandy Woodring

On the other hand, we have to say goodbye to Queen Charissa and Princesses Tzvet and Jenna plus the people who make up the Senior Ambassadors. We have spent a LOT of time together. The traveling, the parades, the meeting and greeting, the photos and just the friendship we all witnessed together is a very bonding experience.

I realize I'm dragging on but this is my one chance to share some of this so I'm hoping you'll hang with me here.

In January, Mary, Rob and I met Tzvet and Jenna for the first time at Winter Carnival (Mary and I had already spent time with Charissa in Aberdeen but this was Rob's first event as Captain and the first time with Princesses for all of us). I remember Rob and I talking about how we'd "like them" and whether we'd "have fun with them" and goofy, kind of junior-high like stuff. It came out later that Jenna and Tzvet had the same conversations about us.

We knew the four of us would be spending a good share of the next 6 months together and you start to worry whether or not you'll click. Human nature I suppose, even if you are supposed to be adults (and if you know Rob and I, you'll start to doubt we're anywhere near adult-hood....I'm not kidding. We're children). I'd like to think that no matter what, we'd do great together but you never know. Your mind always seems to think the worst....plus, maybe they wouldn't like us (Lindsey, shivering in the corner....so cold, so cold)!

I think all our fears were put to rest about 10 minutes in. We walked from the St. Paul Hotel over to the Rivercentre and in that time, we knew we'd have fun (Mary and Charissa were never a concern...they were perfect together. Plus, I work with Mary and Rob's wife Amy works with us and we're already a big happy family). We actually couldn't wait to see them again. We spent one night, one event with them and Rob and I told each other on the way home that this was going to be great.

Our first events all together...during the St. Paul Winter Carnival

We've had a good run as a festival family. I remember hearing from other Captain's and Commodore's early on that they still keep in touch with their Queen's and Princesses and fellow ambassadors....going to graduations or weddings, writing each other frequently. Things like that. The type of things you'd do with your daughter or niece or sister. Might sound weird if you haven't been there but now I understand.

I'm going to take this arena (small as it is!) to formally say a couple of thank yous.

One, to Commodore Mary for getting me involved in this. I didn't know what I was getting myself into when she asked me to be a Captain. NO idea. It was spooky at first. You have to step out of your comfort zone a bit for this and it's been very good for me. I'm honored she thought I could do it and I hope I've represented myself well not just through Aquatennial but as her employee at WCCO Radio. It's something I want to continue doing and I'm glad she started me down this path.

Two, to Captain Rob. Rob and I (and his wife Amy) have been good friends for a few years and this experience wouldn't be the same without him. We could have fun anywhere and having him around and having such a good friend to lean on through this has only made this that much more enjoyable.

Three, to the Aquatennial board for taking me on, showing me the way and allowing me the chance to represent them. Skip Nelson, Bob Alfton, John Brandt and everyone else (too many to list frankly) have been great.

Finally, to the three crowns who are entering their last week with us...Queen Charissa, Princess Tzvet and Princess Jenna. You are why we do this. And it's worth every second and every penny.

I've spent time with all three and can honestly say that they are three of the finest young women I've ever met. Charissa to me, seems like the epitome of a "Queen of the Lakes". Poised, well-spoken and just right on the money. I've really enjoyed being around her.

Your Queen of the Lakes,
Marilyn Monroe....I mean Charissa Pederson!

Princess Tzvet came here from Bulgaria and through the terrific program they have in Anoka, became an Aquatennial Princess and I can see why. Every time I'm with her, I just keep laughing. She is so enjoyable to be with. I will miss her deadpan humor.

Faker....see, told you she was funny

Last but not least is the Princess I've spent the most time with, Jenna. Jenna and I have basically toured western Minnesota this summer. If I didn't have her with me, I don't know how I would have done it. Jenna is just an awesome, down-to-earth, small town girl from Gibbon. One thing we have in common is the small-town attitude (I'm from Big Lake although that's not really small anymore....it was an eon ago when I was a pup). Although I've put the small town behind me to fight traffic everyday in Minneapolis (cough, cough), I still love the sight of a cornfield and the simpleness of a town with one stoplight.

Gibbon Royalty, Past and Present

Beyond that, however, she is so fun to be with. Always laughing and smiling....she just forces you into a good mood (except for that one time we were driving through Glenwood and the heat got to us both....it happens). I just think the world of her. She's heading into her last year at St. Cloud State in accounting and I can't think of anyone I'd rather have doing my taxes!

The farm girl telling me I'm sitting on
a straw bail, not a hay bail....good to know!

Well, that should do it for now! If you're still reading, I can't believe it. Don't you have anything better to do?

I kid, I kid. I know, I'm Hemingway. Who could put this down with me droning on and on about what I think. Good stuff. I need professional help.

Here's what's coming up this week and hopefully I'll get time towards the end of this week or this weekend for and Aquatennial update. I'll try to keep this going through festival week but it depends on our schedule which may just be too busy. I'll do what I can.

For now, check us out at the following:

Thursday, July 17th- Hopkins Raspberry Festival Coronation plus listen to the Morning News with Dave Lee in the 8am hour for our very own Queen of the Lakes Charissa Pederson!

Friday, July 18th- AQUATENNIAL BEGINS! Check us out on the local morning TV stations as we'll be at Thomas Beach on Lake Calhoun for the kickoff then, don't miss the Labor Neighborhood Block Party with great music from Blues Traveler, The Fabulous Thunderbirds and local artist Tim Mahoney.

Saturday, July 19th- We'll be at the Minnesota Twins/Texas Rangers game as our Aquatennial Grand Marshall and former Twins star Tony Oliva throws out the first pitch (I believe Charissa and Commodore Mary will be on the field with him....I'll be in line for beer).

Sunday, July 20th- Big day....the Star Tribune Beach Bash takes place on Thomas Beach on Lake Calhoun. This includes the awesome Land O' Lakes Sandcastle competition plus the always exciting Milk Carton Boat races. The Aquatennial candidates also arrive this day so that's very exciting. We end the night with Jenna, Tzvet, Rob and me heading out on the Past Princess cruise on Lake Minnetonka. Looking forward to a really fun day.

Hopefully, like I said, I'll check be checking in a couple of days from now or maybe early next week. Enjoy your summer and can't wait to see everyone at Aquatennial!

For info on everything going on, www.aquatennial.com or www.aquatennialambassadors.com will fill you in!

Lindsey Peterson
2008 Aquatennial Captain

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