Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Guest Blogger, Captain Rob Mauzy

A true treat...we've been graced with a guest blogger! My fellow Aquatennial Captain Rob Mauzy has filed this report from the other side of the street, sorta-speak.

Here's what's happening:

Hola everyone

This is Rob Mauzy....The other Captain of the Aquatennial this year....I have to tell you I have been lurking and reading Captain Lindsey’’s blog and even contributing pictures to it, but until now I have not contributed to it. I figure now is the time!

I will start with last Sunday, June 22, Princess Tzvet and I were at Svenskarnas Dag, The Swedish Heritage festival that is held in Minnehaha Park, right next to Minnehaha Falls. To be completely honest, I can’t think of a more picturesque place to hold an event. It is simply beautiful. During my preparation I discovered that Svenskarnas Dag has been crowning Queens since 1921....Holy Cow, and they have been sending Candidates to the Queen of the Lakes Program for 56 years!!! Additionally Svenskarnas Dag has been very well represented in Aquatennial with 11 former Queens and Princesses and even one that went on to become Miss USA, Barbara Peterson.

Well we got there and immediately met former Queen of the Lakes Jenna Bernhardson, who actually refers to herself as the Queencess (She started off as an Aquatennial Princess and became Queen when Queen of the Lakes Queen of the Lakes Jessica Gaulke was called to serve our country in Iraq). Jenna joked that she was going to hold a Queencess reunion this summer, but decided to forgo it as she would be the only one that would attend it.

We had a little cake and punch and mingled with the exiting Svenskarnas Dag Queen, Laura Hendrickson.

Rob, Former Miss Svenskarnas Dag, Tzvet

She is such a delight, and is quite excited about being a Queen of the Lakes Candidate. We were off to the coronation, and I gotta say, when they put you on stage and you have to look out at the crowd, it is a little unnerving. But regardless, all started off fine, our emcee was off and running. He got maybe 5-10 minutes into the program and the sky’s opened up. He had everyone in the audience come up and sit on Stage. I almost forgot, 2003 and 2004 Aquatennial Captain, Skip Nelson was there as well...anyways, everyone came up to the stage and it became quite an intimate event. Then he introduced me and by the time I introduced Princess Tzvet, it had stopped raining. Wow, this princess has some sort of gift! Eventually everyone was able to return to their seats and enjoy the rest of the coronation. A new young woman was crowned and off we went.

Tzvet, Newly Crowned Miss Svenskarnas Dag, Rob

Monday it was on to Rose Parade in Roseville with Queen Charissa. We had a great time mingling with everyone before the parade, Winter Carnival was there and they are always fun to hang out with...We formed a special relationship with them in Winnipeg and have not looked back, although Guard Bryan Anderson has been hinting around that some sort of shenanigans are going to be going on during Aquatennial. You know, you steal the King’s scepter once and you are marked for life. Next we met up with the Maple Grove Ambassadors and their fathers. What a nice group of young women. Then it was time for the parade. And you all know how parades go, so no need to add much more here, other than Charissa and I had a blast. I think we laughed the whole way through, what a great interactive crowd!!

Wednesday, Princess Tzvet and I were off to the Northeast Minneapolis Coronation. At the Ritz theatre. Now before I go any further, I do have to say that I almost moved to Northeast Minneapolis when my wife and I first got married, but we ended up in St Paul. Regardless, I have seriously eaten my way throughout Northeast over the years. I was hoping to get some meatloaf at the Modern CafĂ© next door to the Ritz...If you have not tried their Meatloaf or their Pampered Eggs, you are truly missing out...I could eat. Anyways, the coronation was quite fun, Former 2006 Northeast Ambassador, and 2008 Queen of the Lakes Candidate, Alyssa Miskowic, co-emceed the event. She did a fantastic job! Her and I joked around afterwards about pronunciation of my last name. One of the Ambassadors that was crowned was the daughter of McCormick and Schmick’s wonderful Chef, George Snyder. Captain Lindsey, my wife, Amy, and I have been very privileged to have been invited to the unveiling of his new menus over the past few years by Chef George. So I know McCormick’s is not in Northeast, but...that’s OK....Are you recognizing a familiar theme here? Food! Oh, and I almost forgot, 2003 Aquatennial Commodore and 1998 Captain, John Brant was in attendance. It is always great fun seeing John, as he was my initial point of contact with my Captain’s duties.

On Friday, with the storm that came through around 5 pm, things were looking a little grim for the Columbia Heights Parade. By 5:30 the storm had passed and Princess Tzvet, her brother George (our driver) and I were at the line up. And we were off. We were lined up at 62, but since the the storm seemed to chase some units away, I think we ended up in the 30’s. Regardless, I have to say it was a great turnout for the parade. Before the storm, I noticed chairs set up all along the parade route...These people are serious about watching the Parade. Oh, and one more thing, one of my co-workers, Angela, was there with her daughter, Pasha, who, I have to tell you, I saw before Angela, as Pasha, has the blondest curliest head of hair I have ever seen, she is so cute.

Saturday, Princess Tzvet and I were off to Rockin Roger’s Days for Breakfast, Parade and Coronation. And you’ll never guess who showed up....That’s Right....Winter Carnival. As you all know, they have the uncanny ability to kick any parade, coronation, or gathering, up a couple of notches. We had a wonderful time in Rogers, we rode in a 1966 Caddy, driven by Bob. Then it was off to the coronation, where, because of time constraints placed upon us, we had to leave early. Which was very unfortunate, as the Rogers candidates, were an unbelievable group of young women, and we would have loved to share in the excitement of their crowning. But South St Paul Kaposia Days, were calling our name, and as you know, with 35W closed and the LPGA US Open traffic, it was going to take us quite a bit of time to get to South St Paul.

We were able to pick up my wife, Amy, and Princess Tzvet and I were off to South St Paul. Where, who do you think we ran into? Winter Carnival, I swear those guys are following us. Again, another set of wonderful young candidates were hoping to be the next Miss South St. Paul. I mentioned earlier that my wife came with Princess Tzvet and I. Well, she grew up in Inver Grove Heights and her old stomping grounds were South St Paul. So after informing the crowd that I basically don’t know the difference between South St Paul and West St Paul, the new ladies were crowned and we were off to the South St Paul Hotel, (the old Drover’s for those of you who remember), for the reception. Where we met the new Royalty...What a fun group of young women, they were so excited, and kept commenting that as they walked by the mirror and seeing the crowns on their heads, that they could not believe it was them. They were so cute and I think in a little bit of shock. They will be fine in a day or two. Oh, we also spent time with the Inver Grove Heights Royalty. From what I understand, and do not quote me, but I think these girls are the first Inver Grove Royalty in 30 years...Oh my.

Tzvet, New South St Paul Royalty, Rob

Inver Grove Heights Royalty and Rob

Anyways, that was the extent of my week last week, and I have to tell you I am not as exhausted as I thought I would be, I swear these young women’s enthusiasm and energy is wearing off on me.

Until next time.

Rob Mauzy

1 comment:

kk said...

Well now I know what you and Lindsey are doing with your time. Goodness.